American Idol 14 Spoilers Hollywood Contestants and More

Masterlist of American Idol 14 Spoilers Hollywood Contestants:


More Spoilers:

American Idol 14 Spoilers Top 24
American idol 14 Spoilers Top 48

As they always do, The Idol Pad has compiled a massive list of American Idol 14 Spoilers. We’re posting what they’ve found here in a huge master list of Hollywood Week 2014 contestants. In the meantime, Adam has been busy researching, and has found videos and details for most of the contestants who have made it to Hollywood and more! You definitely want to click on the links and check out the videos:

American Idol 14 Spoilers list – Hollywood Hopefuls Part 1
American Idol 14 Spoilers List – Hollywood Hopefuls Part 2 
American Idol 14 Spoilers List – Hollywood Hopefuls Part 3

American Idol 14 Spoilers List – Hollywood Hopefuls Part 4

American Idol 14 Hollywood Week begins on October 25 and runs until October 31.  We’ll be editing this post with additional information.

WE LOVE TIPS!  If you have ANY American Idol 14 Spoilers you’d like to share with us, EMAIL us at THIS LINK and we’ll talk!  ALL information is kept CONFIDENTIAL always.  We’ve been around since 2005. We know the drill.

Once again, big thanks to The Idol Pad for the new spoilers.

Advanced to Hollywood:

“Jax” added 10/25
Abby Alton added 10/25 – VIDEO
Adam Lasher VIDEO
Alex ShierVIDEO
Annalise AzadianVIDEO
Brad Wannemacher (X Factor Season 3) – VIDEO
Brandon Hassan (X Factor Season 2) – VIDEO
Casey Thrasher (Season 13) – VIDEO
Daniel Seavey added 10/25VIDEO
David Oliver Willis (Seasons 12, 13) – VIDEO
Emily BrookeVIDEO
Hannah MrozakVIDEO
Jess (Played piano with Harry in New Orleans) – VIDEO
Jesse Cline (Season 13) – VIDEO
Jessie Nunn IIIVIDEO
Joey CookVIDEO
Jordan Southerland (Season 5) added 10/25  – VIDEO
Kalise BrookVIDEO
Karla DavisVIDEO
Keri Lynn Roche (Seasons 12, 13) – VIDEO
Kory WheelerVIDEO
Laurel Wright (Season 13) – VIDEO
Lovey JamesVIDEO
Madelyn Patterson (American Idol Season 13, The X Factor Season 1) – VIDEO
Marvin Calderon Jr. (Season 12) – VIDEO
McKenna Dennis (Season 13) – VIDEO
Michael Simeon (Jennifer Lopez’s dance partner in Nashville) – VIDEO
Morgan Deplitch (Season 13) added 10/25VIDEO
Nalani Quintello (Season 13) – VIDEO
Nicky MoriartyVIDEO
Priscilla Barker (Season 13) – VIDEO
Qaasim Middleton added 10/25VIDEO
Rachael HallackVIDEO
Riley BriaVIDEO
Sarina Joi Crowe (Seasons 10, 12, 13) – VIDEO
Savion Wright (Season 13) – VIDEO
Taylor Walls (Season 13) – VIDEO
Timmy BrownVIDEO
Tori MartinVIDEO
Timyra-Joi Beatty (The Voice Season 5) – VIDEO
Trish Torrales added 10/25VIDEO
Vanessa Andrea Melvin-MontandonVIDEO
Zack KaltenbachVIDEO

Advanced to Judges Round:

This list was mostly compiled by Adam. The Idol Pad has a comprehensive list of non-Hollywood contestants posted at their site.

Alexia Chapa
Amber Tilton
Avianna Acid (Season 11)
Blaine Mitchell
Blake Soles
Brad Wannemacher
Brandon Trevon
Brittany Chauntae
Caleb Brown (Season 13)
Camille Peruto
Chandler Leighton
Courtney Guns
Desiree Flores
Drew Allen
Emma Davis
Glenellen Anderson
Gracia Harrison (The Voice Season 3) (cut)
Hannah von der Hoff
Jared Mashak

John-Luke Carter
Johnny Arco (cut)
Josh Sanders (Season 11)
Kristin Korda
Lexi Twisselman
Lizzy Gallatin
Mackenzie Johnson
Makenzie Jandro
Manuel Romero
Micah Williams
Miranda Pokrzywinski
Monica Mendoza
Morgan Ovens
Najah Lewis
Natalie Barone
Paige Huschka
Piper Jones
Rachel Hallack
Ren Harlow
Rocky Peter
Sal Valentinetti
Shelby Dressel (Season 9)
Sylis Montez
Tanya McKenna
Taylor Cochran
Taylor Rae Holbrook
Tiffany Stringer
Timmy Brown
Tori Martin
Torres Hodges
Trenton Ancira
Zach Johnson

Placement Unknown:

Alyssa Siebkin
Quaid Edwards

Matt Walden
Angelica Alvarado
Brandon Green
(Season 7 & 8, ) Remember this guy? He made the Top 50 season 7. He also made the FINALE of the CMT competition, Can You Duet, in 2009! Steel Magnolia, deservedly, won.
Tyler Ahlgren (Season 13)
Tyler Sloan (Season 13)


Marrielle Sellers (Season 13)
Megan Miller (Season 12, 13)
Schyler Dixon (Season 11, 12)
Maurice Townsend (Season 13)
Jordan Brisbane (Season 13)
Adam Sanders (Season 13)
Shannon Wilson (Season 13)
Emmanuel Zidor (Season 13)
Bria Anai (Season 13)
Briston Maroney (Season 13)
Ethan Harris (Season 13)
Quaid Edwards (Season 13)
Morgan Boberg (Season 12)
Gracia Harrison (The Voice Season 3)

More Cut Contestants

  • Keri Roach –  Cut after day 3 solos
  • David Oliver Willis – Cut after day 3 solos.  He tweeted on solo day that “nothing can shake your purpose” and then was on a plane the same day.
  • Marvin Calderon – Cut at the Group Round
  • Brandon Hassan– This one is easy. What seems to have happened is he got sick during group day and that affected his performance. He explained on Twitter after that he apparently had a bad case of laryngitis. On the day of group day he tweeted “Rejection is Protection” and then later “my voice is gone and I’m actually very concerned.” Sorry Brandon fans.
  • Kalise Brook– This one is also easy. She was cut on the first round of Hollywood. On the day of group she was already on her way home, as she tweeted “One more flight till I’m home.”
  • Madelyn Patterson– Poor Madelyn was very likely cut. When she actually was cut though, I’m not sure. Her tweets seem all about moving on, as she shows by retweeting a quote saying “if you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself.
  • Shelby Dressel– I’m still not sure if she made it to Hollywood even, but if she did, she didn’t make it far, because on solo day she was in Las Vegas having fun.
  • Trish Torrales– Trish is a confusing one to follow. It seems she was cut super early, but hung around LA exploring with her family. At least that is what I get out of her tweets.
  • Laurel Wright – She was at the airport on her way home on Solo Day.


Read More American Idol 14 Spoiler Posts!

American Idol 14 Spoilers! Hollywood Week Is Coming SOON
American Idol 14 Spoilers! Returnees Who Made it To Hollywood!
American Idol 14: Harry Connick Jr. Jams with NOLA Hopeful (VIDEO)
American Idol 14 Preview: More from Kansas City! (VIDEO)
American Idol 14 – Kansas City Judges Audition Preview (Including Casey Thrasher) (VIDEO)
American Idol 14 Kansas City Judges Bullish on Talent, A Fav Returns (More on Casey Thrasher)
American Idol 14 Nashville Auditions Behind the Scenes: Favorites Returning! (Marrialle Sellars, Savion Wright) (VIDEO)
Nashville Hopeful Convinces Jennifer Lopez to Slow Dance (VIDEO)
American Idol 14 Nashville Judges Auditions – Now with Guitars AND Pianos!
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American Idol Reaches Out To Talent Scouts for Hopefuls
American Idol 14: Two-Thousand Arrive in Minneapolis to Audition
American Idol 14 – Watch the New Promo! (VIDEOS)
American Idol 14 Audition Cities Announced, Plus Eligibility Twist Spoiler

About mj santilli 35161 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!