Glee Season 3 Spoilers – “Asian F” – Songs, Photos, Promos (More)

GLEE: Kurt (Chris Colfer,  L) and Blaine (Darren Criss,  R) share a moment in the "Asian F" episode of GLEE airing Tuesday,  Oct. 4 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.  ©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Mike Yarish/FOX

Aw. Klaine.  What do you think is happening in this photo? Is Blaine making nice to Kurt after winning the role of Tony in the school musical? Or is he  being the sweetest boyfriend in the world just because?

Post any and all speculation in comments!

Check out the official synopsis for Glee’s 3rd episode, “Asian F” HERE, and HERE and HERE.  I’ll put together another spoiler post by the end of the week.

UPDATE: More Random Spoilers

  • GiveMeMyRemote non-spoilery recap
  • Mercedes quits New Directions  (TWOP via Tumblr)
  • Whoever got Maria is not happy
  • Sue only appears in the “Rule the World” flash mob scene, but is “priceless”
  • Kurt is hiding his true feelings regarding West Side Story from Blaine.
  • Figgins still believes that Tina is a Vampire
  • Harry Shrum Jr. really shines in the episode. A scene in the choir room with his mom is a tear jerker
  • Mercedes reveals an attractive side of her personality, but she may have a point.  We get to know her boyfriend in this episode. He’s a keeper.
  • Santana is still in love with Brittany. She may be closer to coming out of the closet (or at least telling a few people)
  • We find out which New Directions members are cast in 5 of the West Side Story roles.
  • Blaine is cast as Tony. (TWOP)
  • Kurt gets a role in West Side Story
  • Rachel runs for president. Finn finds himself in the middle between his girlfriend and his brother, Kurt.  Finn doesn’t automatically side with his girlfriend.
  • Kurt gives Blaine  flowers on the stairs: They almost kiss, but there are people around. It ends a little awkwardly.
  • Kurt makes a campaign stance. Reaction from ND is mixed.
  • Santana returns to New Directions with little fan fair.
  • Brittany helps Mike with booty camp, and her reason for being there is quite adorable. It looks like “It’s All Over” – where ND tells off Mercedes–happens at booty camp.
  • Live Journal spoilers HERE.

UPDATE: More Spoilers from TV Line:

  • John Stamos’ Dr. Carl gets not one but two shout-outs!
  • Rachel makes a controversial decision in the episode that pits her squarely against Kurt — much to Finn’s dismay. (Spoilers have her entering the race for class president, hence Kurt’s little speech in the promo below)
  • Mercedes’ diva-tude is more than addressed. In fact, her antics are the catalyst for one of the episode’s big musical numbers. (That would be her number from Dreamgirls with New Directions–who basically tell her “Effie” self off in song)
  • Mike and Tina remain a couple despite the trouble from Mike’s parents: There’s a very romantic, moving Mike-Tina scene that’s set in the dance hall… but there’s a catch.
  • The episode flashes back numerous times to a female character’s childhood. (Pretty sure this is Emma, as we learn a bit about the source of her OCD and we meet her crazy parents)
  • Quinn and Puck are on the backburner in this episode, but the Quinn/Puck/Shelby/Beth imbroglio will heat up later this season.
  • There are two cute/funny Brittana scenes (one bitchy, the other celebratory)
  • Will finally “meets the parents, ” and is slightly disturbed to learn that they are (prepare to LOL) ginger supremacists!
  • The episode ends with a twist involving Shelby.

UPDATE: More spoilers from @NotYerAvgChick

  • Kurt gives the flowers to Blaine! They hug in the scene
  • There are two brief Klaine moments
  • Blaine has two scenes
  • Kurt gets a solo in a group number
  • West Side Story casting decisions are revealed
  • The Diva-Off between Rachel and Mercedes: Rachel is not the Villain
  • Santana auditions for West Side Story
  • Mike Chang auditions (not for Tony)
  • Will sings “Fix You” to Emma
  • No Quinn news from Asian F
  • There’s a Finchel scene. Finn gives Rachel a pep talk before the diva off
  • Mike teaches more booty camp

UPDATE: Mike Chang-centric spoilers in this Hollywood Reporter Interview

UPDATE Behind the Scenes Photo of Heather Morris on the “Girls Rule the World” set

UPDATE:  Spoilers @MichaelAusiello and @KristenDSantos for now.


“Asian F” focuses mostly on Mike Chang (Harry Shum Jr.) and Mercedes (Amber Riley), two characters who finally get a rich showcase. Mike gets an A- on a test (an “Asian F”) and his father becomes worried that glee club and Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) are a distraction. Meanwhile, Mercedes and Rachel (Lea Michele) battle it out for the role of Maria in West Side Story. I don’t want to spoil too much of the episode but it’s chock full of amazing numbers, including Brittany (Heather Morris)’s rollicking version of  Beyonce’s “(Girls) Run the World.” The episode also features covers of Jennifer Hudson’s “Spotlight” and Coldplay’s “Fix You, ” alongside some truly moving moments (not only do we meet Mike’s mother and father, but also Emma’s parents).

From EOnline:

  • An awesome Heather Morris number: “Run the World (Girls).” (You may feel an uncontrollable urge to get up and dance.)
  • Harry Shum Jr.’s first solo. It’ll blow you away! He is amazing in this episode, and proves himself fully worthy as a full-fledged series regular. Also, there’s a scene with his mom that will make you cry.
  • The best Amber Riley performance ever, as she seeks to prove she’s a lead in her West Side Story audition.
  • A “Maria-Off” between Rachel and Mercedes that “we’ll be talking about forever, ” per Kurt.
  • My favorite-ever Will and Emma scene toward the end of the episode. (Bring Kleenex.)
  • A “supremacist” storyline that will make you laugh…then cry.
  • A nod to The Glee Project. (There are auditions for the school play, you know!)
  • A Mercedes twist that changes the course of the season.

From @MichaelAusiello

  • @SissiCuddles Fantastic scene with Will/Emma at home at top of the episode. He shows her his secret box. (That’s not a euphemism.)
  • @MrNayaRivera Santana just royally (and hilariously) dissed Kurt. Hint: The words “blouse” and “pink eye” were used.
  • What can we expect for Brittany next episode? You can expect her to perform a fierce cover of Beyonce’s “Run the World (Girls)”, and wear knee-high socks doing it
  • @immagleek_ Really moving BILLY ELLIOT-esque Mike/Tina scene in the dance hall, but there’s a twist.
  • @PortalGleek Harry Shum Jr. gets a solo (his first, I believe!)
  • @pupcuz1 Watching first Klaine scene now! Darren sportin’ a nifty gingham/bow-tie/vest combo
  • @lauramckz Sweet scene outside the school involving flowers and some VERY light PDA.
  • @comeonailene This DREAMGIRLS number is pretty sweet. Amber Riley blowing the roof off McKinley and giving JHud a run for her money.
  • OK, back to “Asian F”… ooooooh, the divas are about to face-off!
  • @ERFrizki Mercedes and Rachel, natch
  • @LauraC9596 Emma’s parents are…. spoiler alert … ginger supremacists! LOL!!

Song Spoilers!

  1. Spotlight – (Mercedes)
  2. Run The World – Beyonce – Heather Morris (See photo below. According to spoilers, there were 500 extras used for this number. It’s huge.)
  3. Cool – West Side Story – (Harry Shrum, Jr. He sings)
  4. It’s All Over – Dreamgirls – (Amber Riley and New Directions)
  5. Out Here On My Own – Fame (Lea Michele/Amber Riley)
  6. Fix You – Coldplay – (Matt Morrison & New Directions)

Amber Riley – Spotlight

Heather Morris – Run The World

NEW: Meet Mike Chang’s Parents!

New: Promo Featuring Mike, His Dad and Figgins

Asia F – First Look

Promo – Asian F

Wow. Some intense moments next week.

Slightly different 30 second promo

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!