Kelly Clarkson Talks Idols, Music and More + Australian Performances!

Highlights from a recent  Kelly Clarkson interview with the UK’s Chart Show includes discussion about why her team picked “Mr. Know it All” as the lead off single from her upcoming album Stronger.

She also talks about building a career vs being a flash in the pan, talent shows (they offer artist development you don’t find anywhere else), changing up the Idol judges (Thinks Steven Tyler is HOT), and how talent shows have become main promotional tools for established acts.

Kelly also touches on past Idol and X Factor contestants from the US and UK, including Jennifer Hudson, Leona Lewis, Will Young, Jordin Sparks, Adam Lambert (he’s her male Pink) and Jedward (has noooo idea who they are. But she promised to google them!).

“You Love Me” and “You Can’t Win” are her favorites on the album at the moment.

BONUS! A couple of performances from Kelly’s Australian promo tour: She performed the single “Mr. Know It All” on Sunrise TV show and the NRL Grand Rugby Finals.

Chart Show TV UK 2011 Part 1

Chart Show TV UK 2011 Part 2

Mr. Know it All – Grand Rugby Final – Australia

Sunrise, Australia – Mr Know It All – Australia

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!