More Episode 5 Spoilers – The First Time
Glee Season 3 Spoilers – Episode 6 – Mash Off
Glee Season 3 Spoilers – Episode 7 – I Kissed a Girl
I kinda thought this deserved it’s own post. Mike Ausiello just put up a totally Glee centric spoiler post that’s mostly Asian F centric, but there’s one bit of news that I think deserves a separate thread.
For Asian F-Centric Spoilers Click Here
UPDATE3: EOnline confirms the Brittany/Santana hookup in Episode 4 reported HERE. “I’m also told that Finn (Cory Monteith) will get into the mix when Santana tries to hide her relationship with Brittany. He’ll call her out on her hypocrisy and forces her to deal with it. Word is, these Naya-Cory scenes are fantastic. All of this will go down in episodes four and six…”(
UPDATE2: From TWOP via Live Journal – “GAY BAR! Yes, Karofsky is at the gay bar. Sebastian Warbler is there, too. It’s drag queen night. Kurt & Blaine get in w/ fake IDs. Blaine gets drunk, tries to “get with” Kurt in the car, Kurt doesn’t want to do it, and so Blaine leaves. I don’t have additional details about Karofsky, other than that he is present. Sorry, Karofsky fans.”
Blaine is going to sing “Uptown Girl” at Dalton w/ the Warblers when he visits to invite them to attend McKinley’s West Side Story.
Plus, Darren Criss tweeted on Sunday night, “Excited for work tomorrow, early call time… but it’s gonna be a fun day. Any guesses why? #IWontTellYou”
I also learned that Brittany IS still running for class president; there was no reference made to that in 3×04 that I caught; sorry to confuse by stating that she wasn’t running! She still is, against Kurt and Rachel.
UPDATE: Tumblr account from a fan who reportedly watched Chris and Darren film a scene from the episode. According to her account, they stumble out of a bar drunk, make out in the back seat of a car, and have an argument. Things get very very heated inside the car at one point. (According to a past spoiler, Klaine have an awkward run in with Karovsky at the bar.) It’s pretty detailed to be fake story, but you never know, so grain of salt and all that.
If you are a Klaine/Finchel fan you definitely want to read:
Question: It definitely seems like Episode 5 will have a few Finchel scenes. Is there anything you could tell us about that? —Sussi
Ausiello: That’s the understatement of the decade, Sussi. While next week’s “Asian F” showcases Mercedes and Mike like never before, the Nov. 8 episode puts Rachel and Kurt — and their respective relationships with Finn and Blaine — front and center. In a big, big way. How big we talking? Well, according to a Glee insider, Episode 5 finds the Wicked BFFs both losing their virginity. Appropriately, the title of the ep is “The First Time.”
I’m really looking forward to the handwringing from the usual suspects! (PTC, Insane Ex SNL cast member, 700 Club,
Episode 5 is when the new gay warbler arrives to vie for Blaine’s affections, so I wonder how THAT situation figures into the virginity scenario. Frankly, it’s about time.
Realistically? Two gay teens in a relationship would be doing it early and often I would think. I’m glad the producers have decided not to treat the pair like Eunuchs.
Also, there are a bunch of spoilers HERE for episode 4 that look to be coming true. When Kurt becomes upset with Rachel (seen here in this promo) it’s because she’s also decided to run for Class President. If those spoilers are 100 true, Santana and Brittany become a couple in Ep 4.