Taylor Hicks Upcoming Album – “We’re going to cross-promote this record with the `Grease’ tour”

Taylor Hicks tells the Birmingham News that he plans to cross-promote his next album with the upcoming Grease tour.   Taylor begins a stint as the Teen Angel with the national tour company beginning in December:

The national tour of “Grease” will offer a unique hybrid for Hicks, he says.

“We’re going to cross-promote this record with the `Grease’ tour, ” he says. “I’ll be allowed to perform my single in the show on tour.”

Most importantly, it offers fans a chance to experience Hicks live, which he says is crucial to his success.

Taylor calls the deal he cut with Artist to Market to distribute his album, now in pre-production with producer Simon Climie (Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, Faith Hill) at the helm, “very cutting edge” and says that after Arista dropped him earlier this year, there were no shortage of offers on the table.

“I was offered a plethora of record deals, some traditional record deals and some non-traditional record deals, ” Hicks says. “It’s been very hard not to just hop on the first one that was offered, but during that time when there was a lot more speculation that I might never sign one again, it couldn’t have been further from the truth.”

“In today’s marketplace, having the control as the artist is key, ” Hicks says. “I’m in control of where I spend my marketing dollars, who I want to record with, and in control of the companies I hire out. It allows me a really focused release. Basically, I am my own record label.”

About the yet-to-be named album, due to drop February 10th, Taylor says:

“I’ve always been a singer-songwriter, and that’s going to be able to surface a lot more than it did on the last record, ” he says. “On the last one, things had to move at such a quick pace that the actual art of songwriting couldn’t really be seen on the last record.”

That’s quite a deal Taylor cut with the Grease people.   Peeps who’ve heard his interview with FOX news this morning say he’ll be performing the single during the show’s encore.   Still, I’m wondering how weird it will be for Taylor to break out of character to play Taylor the singer songwriter during the encore?

Still, sounds like Taylor is moving in the right direction, and at this point, it’s going to take some out-of-the-box ideas to promote his album, considering he’s doing it all without the benefit of the promotion signing with a traditional label would have offered.

It’ll be interesting to watch this scenario unfold over the coming months.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!