Hello Everyone :)
Welcome to week five, better known as “Switch-Up Week” on Dancing with the Stars. Tonight, our remaining celebrities are dancing in a new style with a brand new partner, for one week only. There’s no elimination tonight, meaning that last week’s numbers and tonight’s will be combined to determine who exits the ballroom next week. We also have another guest judge tonight. Former pro dancer and season 18 champion, Maksim Chmerkovskiy is back to give his opinion (and scores) to our new couples.
Last week, we finally said goodbye to Gary Busey. It was an expected and very much appreciated boot. As entertaining as Gary was, if anyone not named Paula would have gone in his place, it would have been an unfortunate elimination. Paula meanwhile, earns an extra week to dance and last week’s other “in jeopardy” celebrity, Carlos, gets to prove he deserves to stay. At this point, who really knows if the show puts people in jeopardy because they are or if they do it for various other reasons. But certain celebs really need to come out swinging tonight. How did you guys feel about last week’s show? Let’s take a quick look.
Bindi & Nick are the only two stars with double digit percentages for favorite routine. Bindi is leading the pack with nearly 48%. For least favorite, an overwhelming 73% of the vote went to Paula. Once again, the teams of Bindi & Derek, Nick & Sharna, and Alek & Lindsay are your favorite overall pairings, with Bindi & Derek at the top with almost 42%. Finally, 87% of you (wow at that number) believe Paula’s time is up. It will be interesting to see if she still holds to that number after tonight and going into next week.
Another cool thing about tonight’s show is we have nine different dance styles being represented. Not a single dance is being done by more than one couple. So, there’s something for everyone. Tom is back to co-host with Erin after Alfonso stepped in last week. Let’s see how our celebrities dealt with a new partner in rehearsals all week and how it affects their dancing either positively or negatively.
We open with a really cute number showcasing the celebrities going through doors to dance with their new partner. In addition, the pros and troupe members do some fantastic dancing on their own. And the judges get a special entrance. Fun opening and a nice way to show off the new couples. Tom and Erin welcome us to the show and introduce the couples. Well, on the surface, everyone looks to be all smiles with their new partners. We shall see.
Click to watch the DWTS Week 5 Opening Number VIDEO
Some trash talking (in a funny way) in a recorded package showing the celebrities reacting to their new partners and how the pros feel about their former partners potentially doing better or worse with someone new. We only have nine dances tonight and no elimination, so we are heading straight for a commercial break before the first routine of the night.
Tamar and Louis – Samba
Tamar is not so thrilled about dancing with someone new after she finally got the connection with Val right. Louis is pleased he gets to choreograph a bit of a more difficult routine for Tamar as compared to what he does with Paula usually (haha). Tamar feels this is her toughest routine of the competition so far. Some really nice samba rolls here (not perfect but kudos to Tamar for doing them). Tamar is really strong on her own, definitely getting down with it. Together with Louis though, I’m not sure how much chemistry is being showcased here. It doesn’t feel very fluid when they are together and actually, gets a bit messy. That’s surprising for Tamar. She is definitely missing Val I think and while Louis is a good dancer, the Val factor for Tamar was lacking here. It was a decent routine but I would give Tamar high scores for her solo dancing and average scores for the two of them.
Maks thinks Tamar is an amazing performer. But he felt everything they did separately was better than what they did together. Bruno also enjoyed Tamar alone but in hold, there was balance issues and missed steps. Carrie Ann feels that out of all women left, Tamar always owns the dance floor. She did feel the disconnect though. Julianne gives her props because the dances are twice as long. She wants Tamar to get grounded more.
Carrie Ann- 7
Maks- 8
Julianne- 7
Bruno- 7
Total: 29/40
You can vote for Tamar by calling 1-855-234-5612 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Tamar and Louis’ Samba VIDEO
Hayes and Allison – Viennese Waltz
Hayes was thrilled with last week’s scores. Allison refers to Hayes as his dance mom. Cute. Allison wants to show a sophisticated Hayes. Hayes wants to act like an adult for this routine. His voice keeps cracking in the package. LOL. Damn. These longer dancers are definitely exposing some weaknesses. This is the first time I actually saw Hayes be rather sloppy in a dance. Not bad but he had some moments that were a miss. Some nice elegant steps but I think the pairing of Hayes and Allison comes with too much energy for such a dance like a wiennese waltz. It comes off a bit hyper as opposed to fluid and elegant. Good at times but more of a miss at others. I’ve seen way better from Hayes.
Bruno found it a difficult routine, if a bit messy at times. He found it jumpy at times. Carrie Ann disagrees and found it sweet. She wants Hayes to be careful of his chin and chin dancing. Julianne agrees with Carrie Ann and liked the partnership. She found it youthful. She still wants to see Hayes work on his bottom. Maks agrees with Bruno in that with so many steps, there wasn’t much viennese waltz. He also didn’t feel like Hayes’ facial expression didn’t match the dance.
Carrie Ann- 8
Maks- 7
Julianne- 8
Bruno- 7
Total: 30/40
You can vote for Hayes by calling 1-855-234-5608 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Hayes and Allison’s Viennese Waltz VIDEO
LOL @ this hysterical backstage package of the pros and celebs hooked up to a lie detector test and asked questions. Filler of course but fun filler.
Paula and Mark – Jive
Paula is scared. She says Mark is too edgy for her. Some absolutely hysterical moments in rehearsal for them. Mark is going to take some risks this week. Umm…where is the jive? Kicks and flicks? None? Okay. Cute routine and very easy choreography for Paula. It was the very definition of safe. I will give her credit because I didn’t see a single mistake but this needed more jive steps. There’s just some steps you don’t leave out of a jive, even if the partner you are working with will not do them all that well. Nice production on this number for sure and Mark sure loves to play around.
Carrie Ann calls Paula naughty. But she calls it her best dance ever. Julianne says that Paula brought the cookies to Mark’s milk. Maks found it fun but wanted to see more jive. She was playing it safe. Bruno thought Mark spiked the milk. The plus side is that Paula didn’t go wrong but the negative was the dance was done on her flats instead of on her toes.
Carrie Ann- 7
Maks- 6
Julianne- 7
Bruno- 6
Total: 26/40
You can vote for Paula by calling 1-855-234-5611 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Paula and Mark’s Jive VIDEO
Alek and Emma – Rumba
Emma really wanted Alek, and she got him. Alek wants to step it up this week. Emma has never done a rumba on the show before but she is excited to do a sexy dance. Oh. Alek gets a bit distracted dancing with Emma. He finds her too hot. Aww. Very sweet and yes, a nice amount of sultry in this to get the heat going. The hips are moving well enough and I think Alek is really enjoying dancing with Emma. If this show has any “shippers” out there (ugh), I’m sure they are thinking about names and fan fiction right now for these two. LOL. But seriously, this was a good rumba. Props to Emma on the choreography- not simplistic yet nothing over the top. Solid from Alek.
Julianne felt she witnessed something happening on the dance floor. But she thinks it is okay to show that he enjoyed it. She says Alek is thisclose to going to a new level if he practices his facial expressions. Maks thinks Alek is the dark horse. He just wants him to let his emotion be a part of the dance. Bruno says that in a rumba, you don’t step, you caress the floor. So watch that for next time. No time for Carrie Ann to give her thoughts on this one.
Carrie Ann- 8
Maks- 7
Julianne- 7
Bruno- 7
Total: 29/40
You can vote for Alek by calling 1-855-234-5601 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Alek and Emma’s Rumba VIDEO
Bindi and Val – Cha-Cha-Cha
Bindi is so basking in the glow of last week. Val feels a huge responsibility to continue Bindi’s momentum. He says this is the hardest Cha-Cha-Cha he has ever done. She brought a snake into rehearsal. Val is a bit apprehensive at first. Cute. Who picked this tune? It took so long to get to the fast portion of it where the Cha-Cha-Cha steps can come into play. But alright. Good dance. Bindi keeping up with Val. Good choreography. It is fun and appropriate for Bindi. Last week may have been a bit better dance and performance wise but this was a nice shift to something more fun and easygoing. Bindi continues to ride that train toward the finale.
Maks loved it. It was the dance of the night for him. Bruno says Bindi is the essence of joy. A tiny thing- shoulders. Carrie Ann feels that Bindi learned something from Val and that is important for the switch up. Julianne says that regardless of who she dances with, Bindi is a ray of sunshine.
Carrie Ann- 9
Maks- 10
Julianne- 9
Bruno- 9
Total: 37/40
You can vote for Bindi by calling 1-855-234-5604 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Bindi and Val’s Cha Cha VIDEO
Carlos and Lindsay – Quickstep
Carlos was scared of being in jeopardy last week. Lindsay and Witney are very similar so Carlos is pleased. He is a little jealous of Witney being happy dancing with Nick. LOL. Carlos wants a breakout moment this week. This is fabulous. Wow. Dare I say, Carlos found his groove with Lindsay here. Damn. This is fast as it should be, footwork as it should be, hold as it should be, everything really as it should be. Without question, Carlos’ best dance of the competition. I’m not sure how good this is for the fact that Carlos goes back to Witney next week but he definitely needed that one dance that showed he is still in this. And this was it. For me, best routine of the night so far. Strong stuff.
Bruno loved it. Carrie Ann commends Lindsay because to her, it doesn’t get any better than that. Julianne says it was exactly what Carlos needed. Maks calls it an amazing quickstep.
Carrie Ann- 10
Maks- 9
Julianne- 10
Bruno- 10
Total: 39/40
You can vote for Carlos by calling 1-855-234-5605 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Carlos and Lindsay’s Quickstep VIDEO
More funny lie detector stuff airing now. You guys have to see these segments for the LOLZ alone. Of course, most (if not all) is written on purpose but still, good filler for a laugh.
Alexa and Derek – Tango
Mark was really bummed about the mistake last week. She was even bummed that Mark said she might be eliminated. She is excited to dance with Derek this week. Derek wants to build her confidence back up this week and Alexa wants to do this for Mark so they survive next week. Derek is just a master at doing tango routines. He always makes them so epic. Like Carlos, Alexa needed this. A strong routine with great choreography and she nailed it. Love the convictions in the steps. Great hold too. I would have personally enjoyed if the troupe wasn’t used during this but I understand the theme Derek was going for. A really fabulous dance for Alexa and she needs to thank Derek for that one because she truly needed a home run.
Carrie Ann gives Alexa a standing ovation. Julianne loved that Alexa showed her raw side and it was authentic. Maks felt her past numbers were too much in her head. But this dance showed she is a leading lady. Bruno just adored it to the point I can’t understand what he is saying. Suffice it to say though, he really enjoyed the dance.
Carrie Ann- 10
Maks- 10
Julianne- 10
Bruno- 10
Total: 40/40
You can vote for Alexa by calling 1-855-234-5602 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Alexa and Derek’s Tango VIDEO
Andy and Sharna – Argentine Tango
Andy feels Carrie Ann is way tough on him. Sharna is excited to dance with Andy because she feels like he has a lot of potential. But of course, Andy had a hectic schedule so he cancelled a concert to rehearse. Andy really wants higher scores this week. He is determined. Finally, Andy came to dance. We are seeing the effects of the switch up all over the place tonight. Some celebs really need their old partners back while others are just excelling. Andy is excelling. This is his best dance. Lots of sensuality, some great steps, and wow, incredible lift. Sharna did wonders for Andy this week and he looks more comfortable here than he has in a long time. I was really digging this routine.
Julianne loved the musicality and footwork. She felt that Andy felt it and so did she. Maks thought the performance value was great. Bruno found it steamy and sensual. A couple of footwork issues but really good. Carrie Ann compares him to James Dean. She found it hot.
Carrie Ann- 9
Maks- 9
Julianne- 9
Bruno- 9
Total: 36/40
You can vote for Andy by calling 1-855-234-5603 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Andy and Sharna’s Argentine Tango VIDEO
Nick and Witney – Paso Doble
Witney was weary about getting Nick because how does she top last week? Nick feels like he should take the leadership role because Witney is competing with Carlos. Witney wants to keep the streak going for Nick and Sharna.
Nick and Witney make for a striking pair. But I think Nick is a bit more on point with Sharna. I don’t know. This is good. Lots of proper paso steps but I feel like Nick has a certain zone with Sharna. I think all in all, Nick did a more than adequate job with this but he has done better. Witney always choreographs a bit different from the norm and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. This did both. Perhaps it is a matter of taste. Make no mistake, it was a strong dance.
Maks thanks the show for having him. He felt it wasn’t his cup of tea. It wasn’t his type of paso. Bruno thought the rock and roll feel so because of it, the hips went far back a bit. Carrie Ann believes Nick stayed in the zone. But she does want to see some more shaping. Julianne feels it went a bit too far due to the commitment but she admires that Nick has so much tenacity.
Carrie Ann- 9
Maks- 8
Julianne- 9
Bruno- 8
Total: 35/40
You can vote for Nick by calling 1-855-234-5610 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).
Click to Watch Nick and Witney’s Paso Doble VIDEO
Combined Judge Leaderboard After Week’s Four & Five (Total is out of 70)
Bindi- 28 + 37 = 65/70
Carlos- 25 + 39 = 64/70
Nick- 27 + 35 = 62/70
Alexa- 21 + 40 = 61/70
Andy- 23 + 36 = 59/70
Hayes- 27 + 30 = 57/70
Tamar- 27 + 29 = 56/70
Alek- 24 + 29 = 53/70
Paula- 18 + 26 = 44/70
Watch Tom Bergeron’s touching tribute to his late father, Ray Bergeron VIDEO
Next week’s guest judge is Olivia Newton John!
So, what did you guys think of the switch? Which new partners impressed you and which did not? Did it change your overall opinion of anyone? Or are you happy that we go back to the usual next week? And how was Maks as a guest judge? Lots of questions coming out of tonight, so why not head over to a new thread that will be up shortly and take some polls? :D I had to get that plug in there. Anyways… thanks so much for watching with me tonight and I’ll see you all next week as we officially enter the midway point of the competition.