Kelly Clarkson Isn’t a Donald Trump Fan (VIDEO)

Setting aside the question of exactly where that line is. The one that, when Donald Trump crosses it, his bid for president will finally be done. Over the weekend, the Republican candidate told a crowd of supporters in Iowa he could shoot someone in the middle of New York’s Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes in the upcoming primary. Nope. That didn’t do it. But the incident did leave one of our favorite reality singing stars, American Idol’s Kelly Clarkson, deeply troubled.

Singer and actress, Bette Midler tweeted her thoughts in response to Trump’s bizarre remark, which included a finger gun pointed at the crowd!!!

To which Kelly answered:

I have a feeling she won’t be catching the hate her support of Ron Paul caused a couple of years ago.  Well…she probably got some hate. But mostly from assclowns.  Here’s a Vine of Trump’s comment.

Speaking of awesome smackdowns, on Monday, Trump was in a New Hampshire diner campaigning when a woman shouted “ENJOY YOUR BURGER RACIST!” before storming out.  The woman, who would only identify herself as Jane, said to reporters outside, “I’m really struck by his racism and Islamophobia,” she said. “I wanted to make sure people remembered that he is racist, and that he’s using it to rally voters.”

In other Trump news: I’m not going to embed the tweet here, it’s so appalling, Just a link. The man WHO COULD BE PRESIDENT come next January, retweeted an endorsement from a white supremacist group on Friday. No. that is not an exaggeration. If you can stomach it, take a look at the group’s timeline, which is filled with anti-semitic and racist hate speech. I’ll give Trump credit for never backing down from an opinion, no matter how abhorrent. He’s open and unflinchingly honest about his racism and xenophobia. No dog whistles from that dude.

Via Billboard

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!