Kelly Clarkson Endorses Ron Paul, Republicans, Catches Hate on Twitter

Kelly Clarkson got herself into a bit of hot water…OK basically, it was a tidal wave–when she decided to reveal that she’d support Libertarian, Ron Paul in the next presidential election if he won the republican primary.

Yes, that’s right. Kelly says she’s a Republican, although she voted for Obama in the last election.

It all started with an innocent tweet:

I love Ron Paul. I liked him a lot during the last republican nomination and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican party in 2012 he’s got my vote. Too bad he probably won’t.

And then, almost immediately, all hell broke loose. Kelly attempted to deal with what appears to be an onslaught of hate tweets:

@msschantz we shouldn’t try & help/tell other countries how to solve their issues w/the poor when we can’t even solve our own.

@QueenVampireX @sexidance I am a Republican but I actually voted Democrat last election.

@deethers I have never heard that he’s a racist? I definitely don’t agree with racism, that’s ignorant.

@BarkingTurtles I love all people and could care less if you like men or women. I have never heard that Ron Paul is a racist or homophobe?

@my_warden I have never seen or heard Ron Paul say anything against gay people?

@Jcourt3 I respect your opinion and I am about progress. Ron Paul is about letting people decide, not the government. I am for this.

@Cibuloid Very mature of you. Someone says something you disagree with and you lash out at them.

(Singer, Michelle Branch, tweeted her response, “@kelly_clarkson I wholeheartedly agree. #RonPaul”)

@uglybenny @michellebranch classy response.

I am really sorry if I have offended anyone. Obviously that was not my intent. I do not support racism. I support gay rights, straight rights, women’s rights, men’s rights, white/black/purple/orange rights. I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all of the Republican nominees, he’s my favorite.

@LoveUMore because you don’t agree with me, I’m stupid. Very mature response.

@MauricioDelRey Man, seriously such hate coming from your tweets. This isn’t a healthy way to be heard. Say what you’d like without the hate

@infinityguitarz I don’t believe in the death penalty. Most Republicans do but not me.

@judeinlondon this is demeaning & rude, please don’t waste any more of your time and don’t follow me if you are going to continue like this

Man my eyes have been opened to so much hate tonight. If y’all ever disagree with something I say please don’t feel the need to attack me. I will listen to what you say and any articles or viewpoints you have when you say it with respect. Being hateful is not a healthy way to get people to see or hear you. I was raised to respect people and their decisions and beliefs and I hope you will grant me the same decency. If you don’t agree with me simply unfollow me. It’s really that easy. I hope you don’t because I would love the chance to hear what you have to say but if you’re so blinded by hate you can’t seek peace and progress then that is your unfortunate prerogative.

Some of the responses to Kelly:

@MattOrtega:  Pop singers for Paul… Way to show how little you know about him. RT @michellebranch: @kelly_clarkson I wholeheartedly agree. #RonPaul

@NerdyHBIC:  Wow @kelly_clarkson is looking really dumb right now, supporting Ron Paul aka blatantly racist LOLbetarian GOP candidate. #oop

@Ben_Howe: You have to figure @kelly_clarkson would be a fan of a candidate that constantly gets young idiots to vote over and over for them.

@jpbevi: it’s probably weird how much that pro-republican/Ron Paul tweet from @kelly_clarkson is breaking my heart right now. i need to go to bed.

@Jensenclan88: OK, so @kelly_clarkson is voting Ron Paul. I just need Katharine McPhee’s opinion now and I’ll be ready to make my decision.

@JonnyTorres: Congratulations to @kelly_clarkson & @MichelleBranch for having independent thought from brainwashed Hollywood. Move to Nashville!

@HEReinhartFans: Everyone is entitled to their opinion until a musical artist says theirs huh? @kelly_clarkson keep speaking your mind girl!

There were a series of newsletters that went out under Paul’s name from the late 1970s until the mid-1990s, which are littered with racist and homophobic statements. Paul denies writing the newsletters nor knowing who did.

Kelly is certainly entitled to her opinion, but it’s a little naive to endorse a candidate, yet be unaware of the of controversies swirling around them.  Any celebrity who decides to talk politics on social media should expect to be flamed.  In Kelly’s case, her ignorance of the issues around Paul’s candidacy only made it worse.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!