It’s that time again! X Factor UK has entered the live show stages! And with one week out of the way, I am now going to make my not so bold predictions for how the rest of this year’s X Factor will shake out. Keep in mind, this is what I think will happen. Not what I want to happen. That list is separate at the bottom of this page. Let me know what you are predicting in the comments below-let’s all be wrong together, shall we?
10. Saara Aalto – This is the relatively easy one. Saara was in the bottom three with two acts that pale in comparison and still didn’t get the public’s instant save. Let It Go was amazing, albeit predictable. She’s probably gone next week, despite being one of the best singers we’ve got left. Motown isn’t going to be her strong suit either.
9. Freddy Parker – Freddy was one of two acts that got negative feedback during the first live show, and the other one (Bradtavio) is thankfully gone already. Freddy got the instant save from the public, and I think he might even escape the bottom two this week. The week after, I think he’s a goner.
8. Sam Lavery – Sam got the death spot this week, and got relatively lukewarm feedback from most of the judges. She escaped the bottom 3, but I have to assume it was close. Sam needs to deliver a truly amazing performance this week to put herself in the running, because as of now, she’s the weakest in her category.
7. Relley C – I know she got great feedback this week, and I know she gave one of the better performances (despite being too churchy for my taste). I can’t see it continuing for too long. Relley might be the most marketable “over” left, but she’s still in the overs. And that doesn’t bode well for her when she’s on a show that emphasizes youth so much. If Relley makes it to the semi-final, I’ll be absolutely shocked.
6. Ryan Lawrie – Ryan is high up on this list not because he’s that Hgreat, but because the other acts aren’t. Ryan belongs in a boyband. That’s why they originally stuck him in one. The other guys they put with him didn’t work out, so now he’s back to being a soloist. And as a soloist, he’s just not good enough. He’s a lesser version of Harry Styles vocally. Having said that, he’s cute and relatively marketable. So he has a shot of making it a few more weeks.
5. Honey G – Rant time! X Factor UK has always had novelty/joke acts. Acts that can’t sing and won’t sell records but make people laugh so they get through each week. And sometimes, in retrospect, these acts can be funny. Wagner was a riot. Jedward’s Oops I Did It Again was hillarious. But since Wagner, the joke acts have not been as funny. Why? Because they don’t suck enough. Rylan is a monotone singer, and the production around him was great, but he wasn’t funny as a joke act. He’s a great presenter now though, so good for him. Stevie was Rylan 2.0-not bad enough. Bradtavio (who were eliminated this week) were nuts, but their vocals were mediocre. Not god awful, which would have made it funny. Honey G has a different problem. Her problem is that she is awful, but not in a funny way. She’s cringeworthy, to the point where if she wasn’t so delusional I’d feel sorry for her. It’s painful to watch a 35 year old woman in sunglasses and a jumpsuit grabbing her crotch and being a mediocre rapper. I don’t enjoy it. And I don’t know what Simon was drinking to enjoy it last week. The reason Honey G is so high up on this list is precisely that – Simon enjoyed her, and therefore she’ll make it to 5th or 6th place. I hope that’s as far as she goes.
4. Emily Middlemas – She’s one of the favorites as of now, but so was Janet Devlin. To be fair, Emily is much, much better than Janet. She has more power to her voice, and can still pull off the tender Ellie Goulding style music. But I still don’t think she’s versatile enough to make it to the final. If the first half of her song was as strong as the second half this week, she would have totally won me over. I want her to do well because she’s so likable.
3. Gifty Louise – Gifty was great this week. She owned the stage, the song was perfect for her, and the vocals were pretty good. She got a standing ovation from the judges. She’s really current and marketable. I think she’s being underestimated right now by many people. I think she will make the final.
2. 5 After Midnight – I think that this week, they were a huge letdown. The vocals weren’t that strong. The dancing was great, but for me, that wasn’t enough. Having said that, they got a 3 judge standing ovation. And Simon clearly wants a new boyband to replace One Direction in his label’s lineup. If they can prove they can sing by stripping it way back or letting their vocals shine, I think they might give #1 a run for his money.
1. Matt Terry – My favorite from his first audition. And now that all of the major threats to his victory have been systematically eliminated (potentially minus 1), I think he’s pretty likely to be this year’s winner. And that’s a good thing, because he has an amazing tone, a gorgeous falsetto, and he’s cute and marketable. This week, Matt was slightly disappointing for me. Maybe that’s because I love the song he chose so much. He reminds me quite a bit of the other Matt, Matt Cardle, who is my favorite X Factor winner ever. Matt is my pick to win right now.
My Dream Results (that I won’t get)
Matt Terry
Gifty Louse
Emily Middlemas
5 After Midnight
Saara Alto
Sam Lavery
Ryan Lawrie
Relley C
Freddy Parker
Honey G