Vote For Your 13th Idol at…Hot Horny Girls?

Jim, the behind the Idol prediction site,, made an interesting discovery as he was testing the Idol phone numbers 1-866-436-5701-5412 for this Tuesday’s performance show.

The 13th number is NOT owned by Idol:

We all know the phone numbers to vote : 1-866-436-5701 through 5712.

Usually if you call these numbers outside a voting window they are busy and that is the case today.

However… This year there are 13 contestants. It appears that American Idol does not own 1-866-436-5713 (or 1-866-436-5700 for that matter). I’d advise you not to call either number as the content is not rated G.

This raises the question – what the heck are they going to do for the 13th contestant? Has anything heard anything? New numbers? New voting system entirely? A lone non-contiguous number? Are they frantically trying to buy the number? Am I just dialing wrong?

That 13th number leads to a porno chat line, inviting the caller to punch in their credit card numbers to chat with “hot horny girls.”

What will the producers do?   Order up a whole new set of phone numbers for this year?   Or use an odd number for that last number that will only be used for one week anyway?

Using an off-number would not only be really confusing, but would would result in confused people mistakenly calling the porno line–including lots of kids.   So my vote goes with the former–TPTB will have to order a brand new set of numbers.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!