The Voice 8 Top 6 Results Live Blog and VIDEOS

Tonight, the Top 5 will be revealed on The Voice 8. One singer goes home after a bottom 2 sing-off, determined by twitter users. It’s homecoming week, as The Voice 7 winner, Craig Wayne Boyd, Season 1 alum Vicci Martinez, Season 5’s Jacquie Lee and season 3 alum, and Youtube star, Avery Wilson will perform.

The show kicks off with Team Christina’s Jacquie Lee performing the Sia penned “Tears Fall.” She’s been working this single for awhile now. It’s tricky to sing live! There’s alotta rhythm in this song. There are also some pitch things happening here. She had issues with that on the show. She’s a strong vocalist. With the right material and promo, who knows. She has toured with Sean Mendez and is a home-schooled senior in high school. Still so young! – Download from iTunes

Time for RESULTS. The Top 6 take the stage. Oh questions. He asks Kimberly if she has anything to say to Christina. Is that a bad sign? The first artist saved and moving on to the semi-finals is…from Team Pharrell OF COURSE IT’S SAWYER FREDERICKS SILLY.

OMG. Clive Davis is on The Voice stage. He’s presenting Avery Wilson. Comparing him to Whitney Huston. Blah blah blah. He’s taking Avery under his wing. RUN AVERY RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Clive talks about it being an important night for Avery. He’s come back to where it all began. Yeah, to the place where he was unceremoniously kicked out during the knockout rounds in Season 3. He’s performing his new song, “If I Have To.” He gets a standing ovation from the coaches. Avery is THRILLED to be working with Clive. Well, good luck with that. You might want to have a chat with Blake’s pal, Kelly Clarkson. – Download from iTunes

The remaining 5 artists take the stage. He asks Koryn what the most important thing her coach Pharrell has taught her. Trust in God. Blah blah blah. These pageant questions are such time wasters.  And America saved…Meghan Linsey from Team Blake! So far. NO BRAINERS.

Team Ceelo’s contestant, Vicci Martinez, is back to sing her new song, “Bad News Breaker.” Her hair is short, blond and spiky. And this song is really good! She’s gotten even better than she was on her The Voice run. Uh oh. Her mic pac fell off, but she handled it like a pro, twirling it around before she put it back on her pants. She ended the song on the drums. VERY TRIBAL. She’s singing and producing. She just put out an independent album. It’s available on iTunes. – Download from iTunes

The four remaining artists take the stage. It’s Joshua’s turn to answer dumb questions. “Adam has really taught me to own what I do,” he says, answering a question about what his coach has taught him.  The next artist saved by America’s votes is Koryn Hawthorne from Team Pharrell!

The dudes from the Entourage movie are in the audience promoting. UNIVERSAL SYNERGY. Pharrell has a cameo in the movie.

The reigning champ, Craig Wayne Boyd, takes the stage with his new single, “I’m Still Here.” Yep. He is. Despite being dropped by Dot Records, before he even put out an album! Click to read all about THAT.  Big weepy country ballad is big and weepy. This is the kind of thing that won him the competition. But not the kind of thing that record executives are looking for in this era of BroCountry. After the performance, Carson Daly brags about how his coronation single, “My Baby’s Got a Smile on Her Face” shot to #1 on country. No talk of an upcoming album. AWKWARD. But heh, at least Craig got to come back to the show. It’s as if season 6 winner, Josh Kaufman, doesn’t even exist. They literally never uttered his name again after he won the show. EVEN while he was starring on Broadway last fall! And it looks like Josh isn’t getting an album either. – Download from iTunes

The next question is for India. “It’s such a blessing and an honor to work for her…” Thank you so much Christina! And maybe goodbye. America saved…Joshua Davis from Team Adam. Of course. As many of us predicted, India Carney and Kimberly Nichole will face off against each other in the twitter save. TEAM CHRISTINA DIVA OFF.

India Carney – “Perfect” – Oh no. This is NOT a save me song! She’s pitchy  and not in the pocket. Unless Kimberly really blows it, she’s out of here. Oy. Her voice cracked on the last line. Adam remembers that she was a fav from the beginning. She can be proud regardless of the outcome, says Adam.  “Beautiful, beautiful India,” says Christina, “You’re still a force to be reckoned with.” She adds, “You’ve grown.” She tells everyone to vote! But what about your other contestant?

Kimberly Nichole – “Seven Nation Army” – She should have sung a ballad, but India slipped so badly, it really doesn’t matter. One phrase in and Kimberly already wins. She deserves to stay. “If Jack White could hear you sing…this was meant for you,” Pharrell says, “You are an incredible artist. You deserve to go through.” Christina adds, “You’ve electrified every single audience…an incredible experience to watch you.”

Carson reminds us that tweets count!


The window is closed! America INSTANTLY SAVED…..INDIA CARNEY

Kimberly Nichole is eliminated. How could this be? Her performance was CLEARLY better. India’s vocals were all over the place. According to the screen graph, they ran practically 50/50 the entire time. Ugh.

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BOOOOO. Over the course of the season, Kimberly delivered many exciting moments, including House of the Rising Sun, What’s Up and Nut Bush City Limits. She was always comfortable on stage. India started off strong, but never found her footing. Even when assisted by great performance placement, her iTunes never sold well. Kimberly was so entertaining, Her energy and dynamic personality were infectious. Truly a loss for this competition.

Watch as India Carney is saved.


Sawyer Fredericks
Meghan Linsey
Koryn Hawthorne
Joshua Davis
India Carney – Saved by Twitter

Eliminated – Kimberly Nichole

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!