So You Think You Can Dance 9 – Las Vegas Round – Recap and Videos

It’s So You Think You Can Dance Las Vegas week, where the hopefuls will be whittled down to a Top 35! Check out the spoilers here.

The judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy, Lil C, Tyce DiOrio, Debbie Allen, and Adam Shankman!

Solos are first. There will be massive cuts.

Hampton (The Exorcist) – Hampton performs his lyrical hip hop and Adam is so moved, he’s crying. TYCE IS FLIPPING OUT. It’s an emotion-packed routine.

More contestants hit the stage.  After 10 solos, Nigel lines them up to make the cuts. 8 dancers, including Hampton, make it through.

Janelle Isis, the belly dancer is next –  She’s very good and SEXY. By the end of the day, there are massive cuts, including the  martial artist hip-hopper, Tim.

Cat warns that SHIT GETS REAL after the break. OK, she doesn’t word it like that. But she promises the competition will get INTENSE.

One quarter of the contestants have already headed home.

Twitch and Comfort will choreograph the Hip Hop RoundHampton and the Dragon Crew in the house! Will they be able to handle the choreography?  Hampton has trouble. After apologizing to the judges, he quits!  One of the Dragon House poppers leaves without even saying goodbye to the judges! His crew try to talk him out of it, but no dice. Boris another popper, from Dragon House is also eliminated after performing.   Praying Mantis dude and Bree, mother of two, also leave.

By 8 pm 97 have made it through Hip Hop. The last Dragon House dude, Cyrus, auditions.  He makes it through.

BroadwayTyce Diorio choreographs a really hard routine.  The two ballroom dancers from Salt Lake, Whitney and Lindsay, are total besties, as they roll around their hotel room together /gratuitous!  Later, they dance bitching solos. Both move on!

Alexa Anderson was cut last year. But she’s back.  Adam lectures her. She’s a great dancer, but her face is DEAD. And she’s not connecting with her partner.  They put her through, but barely.  She’s so frustrated, because she’s worked on her issues so hard since last season, but the judges still criticize her on the same issues.

Teddy Tedholm is cut.  He says he won’t be coming back. Twenty three more dancers are cut.

JazzSonja Tayeh  –  Sonya choreographs one of her typically difficult routines. Rachel and hip hop dancer with an attitude, Shafeek, are cut. Rachel begs to stay. They allow her to dance for her life after taking a vote.  She’ll dance a solo at the end of the round.  By 5:30 more girls than guys were cut. Danielle was helping out a dancer who kicked her in the head by mistake.

Amelia, The Artist chick is up. Dragon House dancer Cyrus is in her group. He’s partnered with Lindsay Arnold.  The judges are split on Amelia. She’ll have to dance for her life later. Lindsay is through. Sonya tells Cyrus he’s through, but he’s going to need some classes. He begins to cry. Danielle is off to the hospital to get checked out.  Fifteen contestants are cut at the end of the round.

Rachel dances for her life. She dances in a burlesque style. But she’s not well trained. She gets 4 straight nos. Debbie tells her to put on more clothes next time and DANCE.

Amelia was feeling confident going into the round. She’s out to impress Sonya during her Dance for Her Life routine,  Adam is crying. No way it’s not a yes for him. She gets a standing ovation. Sonya is finally convinced.  Nigel says no, because she can’t bring artistry to other people’s routines. The rest of the panel says yes.

At the end of Day 2, Cat announces the Group routine. This year, the dancers get to pick their own groups.  Each group picks a CD that has the music they’ll dance to. People start rehearsing, but as the night wears on, fights break out. DRAMA.

Day 3

With very little sleep, the dancers gather for the group round.

Danielle was back from the hospital at midnight and had to scramble to find a group. A group took her in, and had to change their whole concept. They go to bed, under-rehearsed. The routine in the morning is kind of a hot mess. “I thought that was terrible,” says Nigel, “You all should be sent home.” Charlie and Danielle are cut.

Dreese and Alexa were cut last year Adrian Lee was cut Season 7.  The group, Wolfpack, performs and dance beautifully. But, Tyce calls out Alexa again. Your lights are on, but nobody’s home. Mary yells at her in frustration. She begins to cry.  The judges say to release the emotion she just did in her dancing.  The group is through.

Ballet dancer, Aubrey, and her group, the high schoolers performs a clever routine. Shes’s the only girl, going to the prom with her group of guy dancers. The judges loved it. The choreography was Aubrey’s idea. Nigel calls her a mini-Mia Michaels. It’s a yes for everyone.

 Ballroom – Jason Gilkison – He leads the group through the Cha cha. Cyrus is really worried about ballroom. He struggles through the routine, and will have to dance for his life. Amber Williams and Asher Walker (Hip hop cowboy) are cut. Kris Allen’s “Out Alive” is played as contestants are eliminated.

Oh no! Aubrey, who Nigel called a “mini-Michaels” is cut! She breaks down. Alexa is up again, and finally, her personality comes through. The judges are pleased. She’s through.

It’s time for Cyrus to dance for his life. He does his popper thing and gets a standing ovation. The judges put him through. THAT WAS EXTRA BUC says Lil C.

Fifty two people are left. Contemporary is the last round.

ContemporaryTravis Wall – After the dancers perform, 34 dancers are called to the stage. They all make it through to the next round.  The 18 dancers left have to perform again. Almost everyone is cut. Joshua and Krumper and Mariah are left to perform. Josh and Abigail are through to the next round. Mariah is eliminated.

Day 4

With the solos, the dancers talk about what they could and will bring to the competition.

Joshua Alexander falls on his head as he practices his solo. The medic is called in.

Alexa Anderson – She promises she’lll grow throughout the competition.

Chehon Wespi – AMAZING ballet dancer!

Nigel calls the boys to the stage.  He makes some cuts.  He calls the girls to the stage. He keeps ALL of the girls.  Thirty five dancers remain.

Next week, the judges choose the Top 20.  The Top 20 will perform together for the first time.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!