Next Week’s Theme – “Songs From the Year They Were Born” According to Paula Abdul

Paula Abdul tells the crew at the KISS Phoenix John Jay and Rich show that next week’s theme is “Songs from the Year They Were Born”

John Jay and Rich – Paula Abdul

It’s 80’s week on American Idol! 1985 is going to get a workout.

Adam Lambert – January 29, 1982
Allison Iraheta – April 27, 1992
Anoop Desai – December 20, 1986
Danny Gokey – April 24, 1980
Kris Allen – June 21, 1985
Lil Rounds – November 14, 1984
Matt Giraud – May 11, 1985
Megan Corkrey – August 5, 1985
Scott MacIntyre – June 22, 1985

The rest of the interview: Paula says Miley Cyrus (pre-taped) and Lady Gaga will perform on the show tonight (she forgot to mention David Cook–his pre-taped performance is scheduled to air tonight.)

There was lots of bitching about the contestants talking back. The DJs were annoyed with Anoop. I think the producers are prodding the contestants into backtalking–there’s so much of it this year. And it doesn’t help when Ryan asks pointed questions.

Paula’s favorite was Danny, Scott, Kris and Adam–she put in a good word for Allison. She didn’t like Matt. Everyone thought it was funny that Simon called his song “noncommercial” when it’s actually a big hit. (I noticed that too).

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!