Kelly Clarkson Endorses Obama, Gay Marriage

Kelly Clarkson is currently wrapping up the UK leg of her world tour and she tells the Daily Star that she can’t wait to move into her her new home in Nashville, and that she’s eager to vote in the upcoming American presidential election.

After the online controversy over the American Idol winner’s twitter “endorsement” of Republican, Ron Paul during the primaries, it turns out that she’ll be voting for Barack Obama…again. One of the reasons why? She joins Carrie Underwood in declaring her support for gay marriage.

“ I’ve been reading online about the debates and I’m probably going to vote for Obama again, even though I’m a Republican at heart,” she reveals. “I can’t support Romney’s policies as I have a lot of gay friends and I don’t think it’s fair they can’t get married.”

“I’m not a hardcore feminist but we can’t be going back to the 50s.

“Obama is a great guy. I’ve met him and I’m a fan of Michelle too. “She has been busy promoting better education and healthy diets, which is something we could all use a dose of reality on.”

So there you have it.

As a side note–it wasn’t all work and no play in the UK for Kelly. She hired a personal driver to take in the sights.

“I had my sister with me and we went to Derbyshire to see where the version of Pride And Prejudice featuring Kiera Knightley was filmed. Y’all live in such a beautiful place. When I’m here there’s so much to see as I’m a really big history nerd.”

Unfortunately, back in July, Kelly bid on a ring at auction that was once owned by author Jane Austen and she can’t bring it home! The ring, which cost the singer £152,000, must stay in the UK. “We put in an export request but I can’t take it out of the UK as they’ve named it a national treasure,” says Kelly. Maybe she can donate it to a museum and go visit it once in awhile…

Kelly’s Greatest Hits Chapter One is due out on November 19.

Via the Daily Star.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!