Idol Season 7 Top 7 Mariah Carey Week – What Should the Idols Sing?

Blame Mariah. She’s to blame for the melimsa-craze of most modern pop R&B singers. American Idol auditions are full of half-baked singers who torture us with ear-spitting trills and runs. Eep. Truth is, not everyone should sing like Mariah. Actually, most shouldn’t even try it. I’m looking at you Syesha. Oh, yeah, and you too, Kat McPhee. Nothing against her personally, but I rue the day Mariah came on the scene.

Mariah Carey week would have been a great time to break out a broader theme, like that Top 100 iTunes theme that was rumored. Instead, we get Mariah Carey songs. This should be interesting. David Cook, Jason Castro and Brooke White are going to have to come up with some creative arrangements to make it work. Carly Smithson is singing “Without You” but hey, that’s really a Harry Nillson song. One of the guys could have tackled that. Syesha Mercado will be right in her element. And Kristy Lee Cook? Somebody in comments suggested she could sing “Heroes” and then dedicate it to the troops! Heh, she probably will.

I’ve been listening to her songs. The Pop R&B–it ain’t my thing. I’m totally at a loss as to what the Idols should sing. What do you think?

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!