Idol Record Bits and Pieces – Michael Johns Going Indie – Kristy Lee Cook Album to Drop in September

Here is an interview worth noting. Reporter Dwayne Steward interviews Michael Johns, David Archuleta, Kristy Lee Cook and Chikezie and asks each one about their future plans. Some very interesting information came out of the interview about their upcoming albums. Read on!

After the JUMP!

The most interesting bit of information revealed is that Micheal Johns has no major label deal in the works as some have speculated. He tells Steward, “I’m going to make the album by myself.” He explains further:

Yeah, Ive been burned by three labels, two major, one independent, and I just dont think I have it in me to face that rejection again. So Ive been writing and Im going to make it myself. Were really not supposed to be writing while were on contract, but I dont care Ive been doing it anyway.

Good luck with that, Michael! Hopefully he’s got some feelers on a distribution deal, otherwise it will be difficult to release it as fast as he’d like–I’ve read early 2009 in other interviews.

When asked if he’s working with any major collaborators, David Archuleta says, “Yeah, but I dont know if I can talk about it yet. I dont want them to be bothered with people asking about it yet.” About what his album will sound like he says, “It going be a pop album for sure. Were going to try to put a little soul in some of the songs, a kind of R&B flavor, and more of an alternative feel to some of the others, but mostly kind of a pop sound.”

Kristy Lee Cook talks about the process of making her album, and it turns out not to be much of a process at all:

Every day that I had off I recorded. I think it was like four days total, yeah in four or five days total I got my album done. So, now were just picking what sounds we want, mastering, mixing, photo shoots, we just did a photo shoot on my day off in Portland.

Four days of recording time = super-generic country album. Her single “Fifteen Minutes of Shame” will be released to radio August 11th. Kristy says the album should drop in September. About the sound of her record:

Well, the country these days is kind of fun up-tempo, it more hipper country, so that kind of what it is. It going to have some slow songs and its going to have a patriotic song. But were still mixing and seeing what songs we want.

Chikezie is currently writing music and plans to shop an album around after the tour is over. About what he’d like to record:

An idea that keeps coming into my head is the word revolutionary. A lot of what going on the industry right now is same ol same ol. It an ‹if it aint broke dont fix it type of mentality; everyone just sticking to the same old tricks. Yeah, they work, yeah theyre enjoyable, theyre entertaining, but it just seems like everything on a standstill like were on a treadmill.

I predict Chikezie will be going the indie route, as well.

A final note: There have been new additions to the ASCAP (American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers) for both David Cook and David Archuleta. David Cook’s new entry is “Not Me” written by the guitar player, Neal Tiemann, from his old band Midwest Kings. Cook has said he’d be submitting songs meant for his unreleased second album, so this tune could fall into that category. Besides David Archuleta’s upcoming single “Crush” (due to be released to radio 8/11) he’s got two more songs listed, “My Hands” and “Ruined Me”

Yes, I know–ASCAP listings can be meaningless. Nevertheless, it’s still fun to speculate.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!