Baxter’s 30-point re-cap below. Hilarious. “Angry Bax” makes an appearance! Also, Luke Menard in the House! As well as David Cook’s father…
Well let me begin by saying that the following random thoughts are ¦.a) in no particular order b) mine alone and do not reflect the thoughts or feelings of anyone associated with this blog c) could result in a mass infestation of fire ants ¦so my appoligies to MJ up front ¦ :)
This was my 2 Idol show that I have ever attended. The first was in S5. I invited my bud Erica to the show, for she is a fan of the show, mother of 2 that desperately needed a night out ( with alcohol included) and well she just a cool chick!!
More Recap after the JUMP…
1- Last concert I attended at Conseco Fieldhouse was last Oct for the Van Halen Reunion Tour and needless to say my tickets tonight were a hell of a lot better. It a shame cause Eddie Van Halen really needs to be seen up close and personal ¦sigh!!
2- I LOVED Chikesie. Really enjoyed his voice and a great way to start the show!! Prayers were answered that the harmonica never made an apperance.
3- Rami ¦.was well ok. But I LOVED her boots.
4- I dipped into my Home Equity loan to buy drinks at the show ¦HOLY CRAP. Should have brought a flask and bought an overpriced program instead.
5- The guy sitting next to me was pounding beers like his guy card membership was about to expire the longer he stayed at the concert. Poor Guy. I dont think I have ever witnessed that much pain on a man face that didnt involve shopping.
6- Erica and I both decided that MJ THINKS he is better than he really is. Not buying what he was selling. I am of the mind that I can listen to him, but I cant watch him. His voice sounded great, but that palsey dance he does makes me wince. His hair looked nice, even without gel!!!!! LOL
7- To the Bitch sitting behind me ¦.I have attended the Opera, the Ballet, shows on Broadway and the Symphony so I know the proper behavior necessary for the environment I am in. DO NOT TELL ME TO SIT DOWN AT A CONCERT. Did I mention that she said this to me at the very START of the show??? Uh ¦HELL NO LADY!! Needless to say she got the opportunity to stare at my ass the entire night ¦bwahahah.
8- 8th row tickets RAWK!!!!!
9-Luke Menard was in the House. He was sitting about 4 rows ahead of me. He looked great and I believe he was with his wife and a friend. According to Chikesie, who pointed him out in the crowd, Luke got to hang with them all backstage before the show. MJ also gave him a great shoutout as well.
10- uhhhhh Luke, my prettiness ¦.do not wear that GOD AWFUL white hat EVER AGAIN. I dont know if it because of Chemo treatments or a horrid fashion sense, but just walk away from that hat ¦PULEEEESE???
11-Watching and listening to KLC made me feel like I was at the Republican National Convention ¦.and I dont do Republican!!
12- Brooke ¦.ahhhhh she is just a bottle of sunshine. I really loved her, but I want her to hang with Angry Bax for a day and dirty her up just a bit. Maybe go to an R rated movie, throw back some beers and get a fake tat. Nothing too OTT. honestly, I really enjoyed Brooke ¦Let It Be was beautiful.
13- Snarly ¦.grrrrrr ¦ eyes, my ears ¦.GAH ¦get me out of here!! ( for those of you that know me will not be surprised by my comments)
14- DC Daddy could not have been smiling any bigger than he was tonight. That man was beaming!!!
15- Invoking the name Reggie Miller (in the house that Reggie built) will earn you HUGE brownie points ¦.WTG DC!!
16- Invoking the name Tom Brady will get your ass kicked ¦WTG Cory, the warm up idiot.
17- Jason….ahhhhh….what a sweetheart. 2 minor issues I had….slow down. He went by so damn fast I couldn’t take it all in…and…dude the red shoes…Dorothy ain’t got nothing on you in the ruby slipper dept!!! Daydream….LOVED IT!! One of mine and Erica’s favs of the night.
18- Speaking of Eddie Van Halen…one of the kids that did the air guitar intermission thingy looked like a 10year old replica of him. Sooo at what age gap does the cougar rule start??? Cause this kid is gunna be a heartbreaker!!!
19- HOLY BOOBAGE BATMAN…did Syesha get some work done??? Seriously??? Beer Dude next to me LOVED her.. :)
20- Didn’t count many ‘waiter tray hands’ from Archie, but at one point during the JG song I felt like I was a a tent revival. He did this double arm raise to the sky move that…to be honest…Freaked Me Out.
21- Archie in a short sleeve shirt/tie combo = Mr. Adcock my 8th grade science teacher.
22- Archie’s voice is fantastic…but he has yet to meet a run in a song that he hasn’t liked.
23- Yes DC you can call Indiana ‘Home’ as he did tonight. I think he had more family in the audience then the Pacers have on any given night during the regular season. And the “Love You Dad” …..nice touch!!
24- DC…dude…your bank account is quite healthy now…no need to shill for free stuff from Reno Music Store in Indy. He pointed out that his white Les Paul was given to him by his dad and came from Reno’s…then added….Hint Hint Hint!!!LOL
25-I learned that the new Dove deodorant I bought doesn’t work for sh*t!!
26-Why did I listen to Kat McPhee…Open Toe shoes at a concert are a bad idea.
27- The plastic walls that the drummer was encased in reminded me of those teraniums (sp??) that I used to get out of my Super Sugar Crisp cereal box when I was a kid.
28- Favorite songs of the night…Hello, Billie Jean, Let It be, Daydreamer, A Song for You, Listen, and Iawbiar.
29- Order of fav performer…DC, Chikisie, Brooke, Jason, Syesha, MJ, Archie, KLC, Rami and Snarly.
30- Sign of the night ¦outside the arena a pan handler sign said ¦. I wont lie ¦it for beer!! LMFAO