Glee Season 3 Spoilers – “The First Time” – Episode 5

Photosets from tumblr. Klaine and Santana

UPDATE:   Check the bottom of the page for spoilers from reporters who have seen “The First Kiss” advance screener.

A couple of things to note:  Those of you hoping for some hot and heavy teen sex will be disappointed. The Klaine/Finchel scenes are all “tastefully” done.  The boys keep their shirts on. (White T for Kurt, grey tank top for Blaine) Klaine kiss once and its’ not during the act–it’s beforehand in the auditorium.  The notorious Klaine scene shot in the backseat of a car is not the explicit scene described by fans who watched it being shot.  There was either footage left on the cutting room floor, or some OTT fans have over-active imaginations.  Hm.

All seem to agree, however, that the Klaine/Finchel love scenes are moving, tender, sweet and very well done.  Bring tissues, people.   Also, the West Side Story performances are nothing short of fantastic.  I can’t wait to see it!

Watch SPOILER Clips from FOX: Kurt catches Sebastian coming on to Blaine, Uptown Girl performance.

If you’re new here, you’re going to want to read through the thread.  Looking for song and screener spoilers? Check the bottom of the page!


It’s time for another Glee Season 3 Spoiler Post! Episode 5, titled “The First Time” wrapped on 10/15. It airs on Tuesday November 8.

Glee Season 3 Spoilers: MASSIVE Episode 4 & 5 Spoilers

Glee Season 3 Spoilers – Episode 6 – Mash Off
Glee Season 3 Spoilers – Episode 7 – I Kissed a Girl

Episode 5 Spoiler preview:  3 beloved characters lose their virginity (!!!)  Hence the name of the episode “The First Time”. A football recruiter arrives at McKinley looking to recruit Finn and develops a crush on Bieste,   The school musical, West Side Story is rehearsed and performed.   Read below for details:

Fox Official Glee 305 Summary:

As the kids prepare for opening night of the school musical, several of them contemplate taking the next step with their significant others; meanwhile, Coach Beiste takes a big chance in her personal life; and Finn has high hopes when a college football coach scouts the school’s team.

Episode directed by Bradley Buecker (Never Been Kissed, Original Song)

  • Rachel loses her virginity to Finn and Kurt and Blaine to each other. Yep. (Massive Episode 5 Spoilers)
  • Chris Colfer pretty much confirmed the virginity story line in the most hilarious way possible in his New Yorker Festival panel.  “I know you know” is how he responded to fan girls in the audience who called out “We know Chris!” about the  leaked spoilers. And, about Klaine he said, “”I will say that I have never loved Kurt and Blaine more, and I really think, without trying to give us credit that we don’t deserve, I really feel like Kurt and Blaine are a modern version of Lucy and Ricky. (Laughs) Oh, I’m Lucy for sure.  I’m excited there’s finally a lot of development with them.”
  • Lea confirms Rachel/Finn virginity storyline in an interview with THR.“We obviously make up because the fifth episode is called ‘The First Time, ’ ” she says with a laugh about the Nov. 7 episode in which the couple take things to the next level. “I think this season we all have our ups and downs.” (Finn forgives her for running against his step-brother, Kurt) (Hollywood Reporter)
  • From a Tumblr account (that’s since been deleted) from a fan who reportedly watched Chris and Darren film a scene from the episode:  Kurt and Blaine stumble out of a (gay) bar drunk, make out in the back seat of a car, and have an argument. Things get very very heated inside the car at one point. ETA: The backseat footage that makes it into the episode is not all that hot, according to a blogger who watched the screener.
  • From TWOP via Live Journal – “GAY BAR! Yes, Karofsky is at the gay bar. Sebastian Warbler is there, too. It’s drag queen night. Kurt & Blaine get in w/ fake IDs. Blaine gets drunk, tries to “get with” Kurt in the car, Kurt doesn’t want to do it, and so Blaine leaves.
  • Blaine reportedly visits Dalton to invite the Warblers to McKinley’s production of West Side Story.
  • More on the new “Gay Warbler”, Sebastian, played by Grant Gustin, who is introduced in Ep. 5  and will attempt to come between Blaine and Kurt (TV Line). “Sebastian is the polar opposite of Kurt in every possible way. He’s more like the male version of Santana in that he’s both promiscuous and kinda-sorta scheming.”
  • Chris Colfer on the Sebastian story line, “When I first read it, I was a little disappointed because I was like, ‘Why does nobody love me?’ But, you get to see Kurt in a very territorial light, which is a lot of fun for me. I’m just happy that there’s finally some conflict with them, because they’ve been in a puppy-dog love state for a while.” (
  • Their big episode is coming up real quick (Nov. 8), and we can reveal that Tina Turner is around for an important physical moment between Blaine (Darren Criss) and Kurt (Chris Colfer). Confusing but fabulous tidbit, right? (EOnline)
  • Lea Michele dishes Rachel and Finn’s “sex scene”“”Oh my god, it was way awkward, ” Michele tells E!Online. “I adore Cory. He’s like my brother and to have to do some of the stuff we did in front of our entire crew…it’s so less sexy than you think. Really, we were in a room with like 20 people around us, sitting by the fireplace.” That fireplace may look good on film, but Michele says that Monteith was anything but chill next to it. “He was sweating so much, ” she explains. “I was so grossed out!” (Hollywood Reporter)
  • Kurt is still hurt that Rachel decided to run against him as class president, according to Lea Michele: “Michele notes that Rachel’s friendship with Kurt may not be as quickly repaired since he had a greater purpose in running for student council beyond bolstering his transcripts. “It’s slightly mended, as best it could be, ” she says of their status come Episode 5.” (The Hollywood Reporter) (THR interview focuses on Episode 5 and the Lea/Finn relationship)
  • Eric Bruskotter is introduced as the college football recruiter who comes to McKinley to recruit players and only has eyes for Beiste.  (TV Line)
  • Mike’s parents are back in episode 5.  (Glee Zone)
  • NEW: Rory (Damian McGinty) will get to participate in West Side Story. “…still has the crew laughing, that’s no joke. People are still talking about it weeks later.” He can say this: Rory’s part of the chorus, and “his interpretation of the scene is different from anyone else’s.” (TV Guide)
  • West Side Story co-director, Artie, becomes drunk with power! “He turns into kind of a monster director. It’s really funny, it’s not something I ever do. A lot of what I’ve done with Artie story lines is serious, about him walking and whatnot, and this was really fun to kind of play a diva-ish director. It becomes a little bit more of the Artie show. He takes the bull by the horns, if you will, and puts it all on his own shoulders. (Billboard)
  • Lea Michele tweeted,   “@DarrenCriss just finished listening to our duet for episode 5! I love it!! Such a pleasure singing with you”
  • Lea Micheled tweeted, “Off to bed… Finishing episode 5 tomorrow! Im feelin a little West Side Story… :)
  • Cute photo of Lea Michele tweeted by Cory Monteith. I See you.
  • Lea Michele tweets, What in the heck are we up to over here at #glee!?!? Me and @druidDUDE @DarrenCriss @druidDUDE and me:) @DarrenCriss cutie:)
  • Lea Michele tweeted, “Having the best time at work today! Got to meet some of the original cast of West Side Story from movie! It was amazing!!” (It looks like some of the original West Side Story stars might have cameos!)

NEW: Spoilers from Reporters who have seen the advance screener: (EOnline, TVLine, EW)

  • During a West Side Story rehearsal, director Artie tells Rachel and Blaine that they lack passion as Maria and Tony, then guesses that maybe they’ve never, you know, done it. “How do you expect to convey the human experience to an audience when you haven’t even opened yourself up to one of humanity’s most basic and primal needs?” he asks. Fun fact: We also learn Rachel and Kurt aren’t the only McKinley-ites in the Virgin Club: Coach Bieste and Blaine are also waiting for the right guy.
  • The arrival of Sebastian. No sooner does Grant Gustin’s gay Warbler debut than he sets his sights on Blaine. And what he wants, I suspect he’ll get: He’s got charisma to spare and tons of chemistry with Darren Criss. Fun fact: He’s not the only obstacle to Klaine sex — the other is Kurt’s wardrobe. Specifically, “All of his layers.”
  • Finchel and Klaine sex. Ultimately, both couples do the deed, and it’s romantic, tasteful and all very satisfying. (For the kissing-conscious Klaine ’shippers, there’s one significant smooch, but it does not take place during The Act.) Finchelcourse, meanwhile, comes on the heels Finn receiving some bad news, but I would hardly call it pity sex. Again, you will be pleased. Maybe not as pleased as Finn. But pleased.  (More at TVLine)
  • Klaine sex: The moment is instigated when another teen, Warbler member Sebastian (Grant Gustin), aggressively pursues Blaine. The trio actually have a very amusing triple date to West Lima’s only gay bar Scandals and run into none other than Karofsky (Max Adler). Look for a great moment between Karofsky and Kurt. (EW)
  • Kurt’s bucket list. No. 87 on it? “To become CEO of Logo.”
  • Santana’s putdown. The snarkiest Cheerio gets the episode’s best line when she urges Rachel not to do the deed with Finn because, well, he’s a lousy lay. “Finn is terrible in bed. It was like being smothered by a sweaty, out of breath sack of potatoes that somebody soaked in body spray.”
  • Fun fact: Brittany called Artie by the wrong name four times when he lost her virginity to her.
  • A New Nemesis for Sue: One who is awesome. And deserves more screentime.
  • Finn Heartbreak:  Can’t say what kind, but it’s Cory’s meatiest scene so far this season! (EOnline)
  • Mike’s parents resurface, and his father isn’t exactly thrilled at his son pursuing the arts. (EW)
  • Chris Colfer on Kurt, Blaine & Sebastian’s night at the gay bar, “Kurt’s kind of a homebody, he didn’t really want to go, but he was kind of persuaded by an outside source to go out and have a night of fun. He didn’t want to hold Blaine back, and of course he didn’t want Blaine to go by himself, so he tagged along. And he, of course, was the designated driver.” (Billboard)

NEW: More Spoilers from EW:

  • I’m curious as to what the catalyst is that’s impacting Finn. Finn’s bad news involves getting into college.
  • Is the last scene a montage? And if so, to what song/singers?  Yep, the last scene is a montage. The two couples lying together cut with the West Side Story Blaine/Rachel performance of “One Hand, One Heart.”
  • Any Finchel sex scene details would be great! The Finchel scene is at his house.
  • Are there any Puck/Rachel scenes in the next episode?  No Puck/Rachel scenes but Finn does ask Puck for sex advice!

NEW: More Spoilers from Random Bloggers Who Have Seen the Advance Screener

  • TVDoneWright answers readers questions about the episode HERE.
  • Semi-Spoilery summary from Give Me My Remote HERE.  A few tidbits below
  • There’s a scene between Kurofsky and Kurt at Scandals (the gay bar) that plays very much like closure.
  • The back-of-the-car make-out session fans witnessed being shot is not all that hot. The best stuff may, unfortunately, be lying on the cutting room floor.
  • Rachel and Finn’s first attempt at sex is thwarted by her self-absorption and big mouth.
  • On Kurt Hummel’s bucket list: ‘Become CEO of Logo’; ‘Arrive at school in a hot air balloon’; ‘Get into Julliard’; ‘Attend a circuit party on Fire Island’ (also from a tweet: #5 Have relations on a dewy meadow of lilac with Taylor Lautner before he gets fat.
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Sweet Tike scene about losing virginity!
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Brittany lost her virginity at cheerleading camp – Alien Invasion
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Rachel telling Finn she loves him during their first attempt at sex.
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Kurt cockblocking Sebastian at the gay bar
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Finn asking Puck for condoms!
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Sex on a stick and sings like a dream – Sebastian on the legend of Blaine
  • @NotYerAvgChick: 6:39 in and there is a Klaine kiss!
  • @NotYerAvgChick: You’re the single most interesting kid in all Ohio! – Blaine to Kurt
  • @NotYerAvgChick: They don’t kiss, but Blaine tries – they are arguing because Kurt is upset Blaine has been drinking & is being pushy (fight after they leave the gay bar)
  • @NotYerAvgChick: Post-Klaine fight at the gay bar: Blaine’s apology is sincere and sweet! It makes Kurt feel more stable about their relationship
  • @gmmrtv: “McKinley is where my heart is” – Oh Blainers
  • @colferaddict: They all dance together [Blaine, Sebastian, Kurt]
  • @yadigaran There is no I Love You said by Klaine, just Finchel
  • @blangst It does not show where Blaine gets his condoms because Blaine doesn’t discuss his first time with anyone.
  • @NotYerAvgChick: You will see a brief Officer Krupke Kurt appearance
  • @TVGMDamian It happens at Blaine’s house. It’s very sweet. NOT graphic at all. [about the sex scene]
  • @TVGMDaian: It’s a very sweet, brief and funny scene. felt like closure. [Kurt/Kurovsky encounter]
  • Thanks to TWOP for rounding up the tweets.

Song Spoilers:

  • “Tonight” (West Side Story)-  Blaine and Rachel
  • “Uptown Girl” – Blaine and the Warblers.  Blaine isn’t the lead, however.
  • “America” (West Side Story) –  Santana, Puck, Brittany, Quinn, Mike, Tina and Rory.
  •  “A Boy Like That / Have a Love”  (West Side Story) –  Rachel and Santana (Inter-cut with scenes of new gay Warbler Sebastian flirting with Blaine)
  • “One Hand,  One Heart” (West Side Story) –  Shots of Blaine/Kurt and Rachel/Finn  lying together are interwoven into the scene.

Screencaps of Rachel/Santana in West Side Story

New Australian Promo:  More dialogue + Klaine Bedroom scene

(Via Tumblr)

New Sneak Preview – Includes New Klaine/Finchel scenes

Promo for Next Week’s Glee – “The First Time”

When Sebastian Met Kurt! MEOW!!!!

Uptown Girl – The Warblers

Sneak preview below:

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!