EK’s American Idol Tour Greensboro Recap

Check out EK’s photos at the barricades, post-concert at the end of her re-cap…


Back ground info: First time AI concert (mainly for Adam) but have watched the show since season3. Took my mom (70 y.o. to see Danny, Adam and Kris) My Favorites are Adam, Kris, Danny and Allison in that order. Got to the Greensboro Coliseum around 5 pm, the parking attendants were so helpful and directed us to the barricades/buses where the Idols will be signing autographs after the show. There were around 30 people at the barricades hoping to get a glimpse of the Idols although some of them said that some of the Idols already came out around 4pm. Knowing that there is a no chance that the Idols will be coming out again, we headed towards our seats in the floor section. While on route to our seats I carefully studied where the exits were so that when the show is over we can find the quickest way back to the barricades. The barricades were nicely set up along a ramp (probably close to ¼ of a mile long) that leads from the arena to the buses. There were 3 silver chartered buses and two silver semis parked at the end of the ramp.

The crowd inside the arena was 85-90% full with only 1/3 of the second tier seats unoccupied. People were of all ages from 3ish-80ish. I had an isle seat and across the isle from me was this sweet elderly lady (80ish) in a wheelchair (will get back to her later). A lady to the left of me came with 2 other friends ( from somewhere in Tenn and drove 4 hours to come to the show) and each of them had a fabulous sign one made of Kris and two made of Adam front and back and of course I couldn’t help it but to take a picture of them. They are so dedicated.

The show started and the entire floor section (me included) stood up for Michael! He was fantastic, great stage presences, worked the crowd and most of all sounded so much better live than on TV. He had charm and charisma and really seemed very relaxed and comfortable on stage. VERY IMPRESSED.

Megan-For some reason, her first song, put your record on, was pitchy. Seemed like she was very nervous but made up with the second song. Although vocally not the strongest among the others she has the most amazing legs. Very pretty girl, I can see modeling in her future.

Lil-I liked her set, it was full of energy and fun to watch. Though she is no Beyonce she did very well with all the single ladies and got the crowd dancing and singing with her.

Scott- I wasn’t a fan, thought he always sounded nasal and the tone of his voice was rather thin and high but none of that was true live. He sounded great and seemed at ease with his trusty piano.

Anoop- The crowd really loved him, the applause lasted for like 2 minutes long and the little girl behind me (10ish) screamed so loud that I thought my ear drums were going to pop. Thank God they didn’t cuz I didn’t want to miss what was to come later on. Always on my mind (my favorite out of his set) sounded okay live (I prefer the studio version) It was hard to hear due to all the screaming and it didn’t have the same tenderness that I prefer. It almost seemed that he was trying too hard on stage with this song. My prerogative sounded really good and you can see he was really having lots of fun with it. He had a lot of family and friends at the show and the audience gave them a round of applause too. What a nice gesture Greensboro!

Matt-I was blown away! Hard to handle was so entertaining especially when he started jamming on the piano. It was hot. Having played the piano since I was 6, Matt is a genius on the keyboard. Whatever he did on the show (TV) didn’t do him justice at all. He is quite a showman and I have just become a fan and would now go see him live on his solo tour. His voice also has improved quite a bit, transitioning from his lower register to falsetto seemed much more effortless now.

The first group number-the duet between Megan and Lil was really not very memorable but tell her about it was fun and full of energy and it carried on to Begging which was a nice number to end on for intermission. Now, I can finally sit down. By the way, 90% of the floor section remained standing from Michael to intermission.

Allison-Once again the floor section is back up standing and cheering for Allision. Don’t know what happened during intermission because bandzilla came out of no where and at some point almost drowning out Allison. She sounded really good and was bouncing from one place to the other on stage like an energizer bunny or someone who is o sugar high. I really do enjoy her raspy voice now if I can only understand what she is actually singing.

Danny-Here comes loud scream from every corner of the arena. (Protect your ears; put your hands over your ears I told myself, I need them for Adam and Kris, yikes) I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to hear him much due to bandzilla but no issues there at all. He sounded just as good as on tv it not better. PYT got people dancing and I must confess as much as I like his unique voice his dancing is a little too distracting for me. I wish he could leave the mic stand alone so that he can move more freely on stage that at least would help with the awkwardness of trying to use the mic stand as a dancing partner (which is as stiff as you know what). He did give a sermon but he kept it really short and sweet and I honestly think he meant well and didn’t mind it at all. The last song My Wish, he says that he dedicates the song to every single person in the room. Aw, I feel honored and loved but at the same time in my head I am thinking Adam is next!!

Adam- Just when I think people would have no voice left because they have been screaming since the beginning of the show I was proven wrong. The piercing screams filled up the arena as my heart started pumping faster and faster in anticipation and the music starts and at last, there he is. WWL was awesome, Starlight was mesmerizing, Mad world, what can I about it that hasn’t been said before, Slow Ride was fun (no bra or any object was thrown on stage. However, a lady few rows in front of me was waving a bra in the air) Bowie medley was so much fun even people on the lower levels have stood up to dance with him. In a blink of an eye, it was over and I found myself grinning from ear to ear and saying wow that was hot. The set was way too short in my opinion but youtube is at my fingertips and of course I will be back front and center when Adam is on his solo tour. Confession, I am not a screamer but I gave it all out after Let’s Dance and no, not regretting it either.

Side note here, although I am a die hard Adam fan I didn’t feel tonight’s performance was his best. Starlight which I love sounded really distorted and high and same for Mad world (could be a mix/sound issue but his voice didn’t’ have the same clarity). I love how he can improvise on his set for every show but he just didn’t’ seem like his 100% self. Don’t get me wrong, Adam definitely delivered his set very well but just not with the same intensity as he has done on TV or on his previous AI shows.

A word to the fans, please do not scream while the performer is singing. We are there to hear them sing first and foremost. It is disrespectful/distracting to the performer and to the fans. Scream all you want between songs but not during. I hope Adam can enforce this when he has his solo tour.

Kris-It amazes me how people can sustain and endure that much screaming and not pass out. Heartless was great, showcased his voice well. Not a true performer but certainly a great musician who connects with the audience through his music. One of the most memorable parts of the concert for me was this elderly lady in the wheelchair who had her arms way up in the air waving from side to side during Anoop’s set and now she has a keychain flashlight in the air during Kris’ Hey Jude. It was adorable. I could only wish that I’d have her spirit when I am at her age. DSB marked the last number and now on to the barricades.

Barricades- I was undecided whether I was going to stay at the barricades or not depending on how crowded it was and surprisingly when I got there it wasn’t crowded yet (I have myself to think for planning ahead) so there I am standing in front row. It wasn’t long before people started coming out but since the barricades were long and spread out most people were able to get to the front so all in all there were 3-5 people deep, ¼ mi long? Around 200 people?

I was impressed how well people behaved all patiently waiting and talking to one another. No one tried to push or shove even when Idols started coming out. First was Michael, he ran up the ramp holding out his hand and I was lucky to have been touched by him (;>) He signed autographs from one end to the other and really took his time to converse with the fans. He went up and down the ramp twice to make sure that he got everybody. He signed the back of my RS ”I Heart Adam Michael Sarver’  What a nice guy, I like him more and more now. I felt bad cuz I didn’t have anything other than the RS with me and really wasn’t interested in any of the autographs except for Adams. But since Michael already signed the back I decided to collect other Idols signature as well.

One by one they all came and gave high fives to all the hands in the air as they ran up and down the ramp. My hands have never been touched by so many Idols before, it was such a rush. Danny was particularly sweet and stopped to talk to this little girl (5ish) next to me and asked for her name (Whisper is her name). He seemed genuinely nice and has a big heart especially for kids.

Megan was beautiful and her tattoos are insane/sick (all in a good way). Lil also took her time and posed for pictures and was accompanied by a man who didn’t look like a security guard. I heard someone say that was her husband, don’t know if it is true or not. Allison also went up and down the ramp and accepted a t-shirt from a fan and held it up for pictures. Scott did his round with the help of his brother and they must have practiced this a lot because it was like robot arm that moved from one paper to the other with no hesitation what so ever.

Kris came towards the end and seemed very down to earth and appreciative of the fans that have been standing at the barricades for almost 2 hours now. We even saw him getting on the bus. All the Idols came out (except Adam) with Anoop being the last one out. Anoop didn’t get to many people and didn’t make it to my side of the barricades before he got on the bus. People chanted for Adam off and on but I had a feeling he wasn’t coming out and after seeing all the buses leaving it was clear he wasn’t coming out.

I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see Adam up close since I was front row!! When am I ever at front row other than in elementary school and in group pictures due to my (ahem) height or should I say lack of. After 5 hours of standing my trusty legs didn’t disappoint and down the ramp to the car we go. I think the last time I stood for 5 hours straight was in an operating room assisting surgery.

Overall impression of concert-highly recommend it. It was so much fun; everyone brought something different to the stage. Money and time well spent.

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!