Live blogging Dancing With The Stars!
Tonight it’s a Two Hour results show. One question. WHY??? We will be treated to a performance from THE BIEBS! I hope grandma and grandpa know who he is. JUST KIDDING.
Pamela Anderson and Tristan McManus are eliminated from Dancing with the Stars
Bristol and Mark, Kelly and Val and Pamela and Tristan take the stage. Ugh. Video packages featuring the stars explaining why they have returned. Blah blah blah. MAJOR FILLER COMING OUR WAY! Zzzzzzz. Honest to God people, I may switch over to The Voice.
Pamela Anderson wants an opportunity to dance her very special Broadway inspired dance next week. Sorry honey. I think you’re toast. Tristan has an adorable Irish accent! Joey Fatone discussing his bodily functions. HOORAY. Not. Helio is back because he would rather his little girl to be a dancer rather than a race car driver. UGH. Chelsie Hightower sounding really uneducated in their video package! Yes Chelsie SOUTH AMERICANS SPEAK SPANISH. Gilles Marini calls himself a non-dancer CONSTANTLY. He’s NOT A DANCER. But he sure is hot. #TeamGilles
Len Goodman asks to see Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke dance the Cha cha cha again!
Shawn Johnson confesses that she knocked out Mark Ballas cold in rehearsal. Oops.
An hour in…and FINALLY SOME DANCING. The pros perform. FINALLY time for some eliminations! Ugh. But not before we review every single frigging routine from last night. KILL ME NOW.
After the break…it’s Pitbull singing “Don’t Stop the Party” It’s the song’s prime time debut! GLOW STICKS IN THE AUDIENCE YO. A guy on stilts and a day glo suit comes out shooting steam from some gun thingys. No doubt trying to distract from Pitbull’s obvious lip syncing. Ha ha. Tom calls day glo guy “The Fumigator.”
Helio, Drew and Kelly are interviewed backstage by Brooke Burke. Helio and Kelly are SAFE. Drew is STILL IN JEOPARDY.
Now more filler. The stars talk about what it would be like to go home first.
The Season 15 dance troupe takes the stage to perform. Jason Gilkison choreographed the routine.
Sabrina, Gilles and Emmitt are next. Gilles pulled his hamstring. Ouch. Oops. Sabrina and Louis thought they were safe before their names were called. Bleeped out swearing ensued.
OMG. Justin Beiber takes the stage to sing “As Long as You Love Me” SQUEEEEE.
Kirstie, Melissa and Pamela are next. Kirstie and Melissa are safe. Pamela is STILL IN JEOPARDY. After the break…
- Shawn and Derrick
- Apolo and Karina
- Joey and Kym
- Helio and Chelsie
- Kelly and Val
- Emmitt and Cheryl
- Gilles and Peta
- Sabrina and Louis
- Kirstie and Maks
- Melissa and Tony
- Bristol and Mark
- Drew and Anna
Bristol and MarkDrew and Anna- Pamela and Tristan