Find out who won this week’s Power of Veto and whether or not it was used.
To recap, Frankie is the HoH and he nominated Cody and Victoria for eviction.
Frankie won the Power of Veto. He did NOT use it.
Apparently the Veto competition was the face morphing challenge, which requires the competitors to figure out which houseguests’ faces have been morphed together in a picture to form a single face. Frankie beat Derrick in the Veto competition by 23 seconds. Victoria came in last by taking over 17 minutes to complete the task.
The houseguests plan to finally vote to evict Victoria. However, this is a non-elimination week due to the Rewind Twist, so none of this matters. On Wednesday, the final five houseguest will remain in the game and a new Head of Household competition will take place. If Frankie does not win, he will most certainly be the target and will be evicted if he doesn’t win the Power of Veto. However, Frankie could very well win again and we could possibly get a repeat of Cody and Victoria on the block again.
Remember, due to a change in the schedule, Big Brother will air on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The Power of Veto competition and ceremony will air on Tuesday’s episode and the reveal of the Rewind Twist, as well as a new HoH competition, will air on Wednesday.