American Idol 9 Top 9 Redux – Who Is Going Home?

Remember,   because the judges used their one-time save last week to keep Michael Lynche in the competition, TWO contestants must go home this week.

Barring another surprise like last week’s unexpected boot of Big Mike, I think it’s safe to predict at least one of tonight’s bootees.

I feel pretty confident that Andrew Garcia is finally going to be leaving American Idol tonight. To go out at 7 or 8 would be a really good placement for him, considering how he’s underwhelmed week after week on the big Idol stage. Sure, Andrew has a fanbase that’s kept him in it, but I don’t think he’s winning any new fans week to week.

The second pick is a little trickier. I participate in the La Times Buzzmeter, and had to get my picks out by 1:30 am last night. I chose Andrew and Aaron Kelly. But then, after sleeping on it, I told MTV news this morning that although it would be close, Katie Stevens would be heading home.

I’m still waffling! Neither has a really deep fanbase at this point, but while Katie was good last night, she wasn’t as good as the week before. Plus, Simon didn’t like it. So she may have lost the casual vote. Aaron, on the other hand, got slammed by Simon and performed early in the line up. But his fans may go into overdrive voting for him, while Katie’s fans kick back this week…

Aargh. I may split my votes in the pool. I can’t decide! What do you guys think? (eta: I just checked…I can put all my points on one contestant, I may just throw all my points to Andrew)

  • Read my re-cap of last night’s show for AOL Television HERE.
About mj santilli 35175 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!