ABBA/Motown week.
According to TV Guide, tonight’s show airs at 8:00pm BST (3:00pm EDT, 12:00pm PDT) on ITV1 (105min). The Xtra Factor airs at 09:45pm BST (60min) on ITV2.
Where to watch the show? If you are in the UK or can get UK IP, watch on Possible alternatives: TV Nutters,
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We are down to 5 acts and tonight each will perform two numbers: One ABBA song and one Motown song. Rylan is doing “Mamma Mia” and a medley of hits from The Supremes.
The lines open before the first performance.
1. Rylan Clark – “Mamma Mia”
The boys decided to cook Thanksgiving dinner for Nicole at Rylan’s place.
Rylan starts the performance sitting on a throne. The floor is turned into a chess board and dancers are dressed as chess figures. Right before the end the confetti falls. This wasn’t that tragic vocally, but I was a bit bored.
Louis: Brilliant song choice!
Tulisa: I loved the staging.
Gary: I think we need to officially declare: You are still here, I have to respect you for coming back to this show, it’s people’s choice to be here.
Nicole: That’s the way to open this show.
Oh look, One Direction and their next single, “Kiss You” are featured in new Talk Talk commercials.
2. Union J – “The Winner Takes It All”
The boys were devastated by Ella’s departure last week. My feed is jumping a bit, so it’s a bit hard to judge the performance. I think they did well.
Tulisa: The vocals were on point tonight. The staging was simple, good job.
Gary: I feels so good about this band, it just feels right, it really does.
Nicole: I love the way you addressed the girls this week. Get used to it.
Louis: Everyone sings in this band and they work so hard.
3. Jahmene Douglas – “I Have A Dream”
Jahmene stands on a tall platform, the lights are smokey and he is singing slowly, with only the piano in the background. He sounds great, but I’m getting a bit bored.
Louis: I don’t think the theme really suits you, I don’t think ABBA is your thing, but you sang your heart out.
Tulisa: What a beautiful performance. I’m running out of ways to kiss your butt …
Gary: The ad-libs weren’t as on point as they usually are.
Nicole: It was my favorite performance you’ve done.
4. James Arthur – “SOS”
James was in the bottom 2 last week with Ella and the whole ordeal really shocked him.
It’s James, singing and playling acoustic guitar. On the chorus, background music kicks in. I guess a bit of dubstep makes it more current. That said, I don’t think it’s anything special. Just okay.
Louis: We need original talent like you on this show.
Tulisa: You take a classic and you make it your own. I want you or Jahmene to win this competition.
Gary: You brought integrity tonight, incredible performance. I’m your biggest fan.
Nicole: You make everyone else’s songs and then you make them better. You are a game changer.
5. Christopher Maloney – “Fernando”
The public’s choice is singing “Fernando” this week. My God. An now my feed is stuck. GAH.
Nicole: That was a lovely theatrical peace. Very good vocals. It was a little bit of a snoozer for me.
Louis: It was like something from ABBA The Musical.
Tulisa: The staging was creepy for me. Vocally you sounded very good.
Gary: Another great performance this week. I’m very sorry for these comments.
1. Union J – “I’ll Be There” by Jackson 5
Nice vocal performance. Nothing new, though.
Tulisa: What a killer night for you guys, two awesome song choices, two amazing vocal performances.
Gary: Boybands were essentially born in the Motown era. It was a good performance, but I thought you could got the extra mile and you didn’t.
Nicole: I think that all the little girls will beg to differ right now. i loved the song, brilliant song and you did a brilliant job with it.
Louis: That was your best vocal performance.
2. Rylan Clark – The Supremes medley
Nicole introduces James Arthur, but it’s really Rylan’s turn. Rylan and Nicole watch his past performances on a Samsung tablet. Product placement, again. Rylan wears yellow suit with one pink sleeve. He has lots of dancers and background vocalists on stage. Even Rylan isn’t entertaining anymore.
Louis: It’s week 8, your are still there. I didn’t enjoy this as much as I usually do.
Tulisa: It was nice to hear your vocals a bit more. It wasn’t your most exciting performance for me.
Gary: I loved the visuals, but a bit too Eurovision for me.
Nicole: You are a breath of fresh air everytime you come on stage.
In the audience: Jahmene’s mum, Rylan’s friend, Christopher’s nan.
3. James Arthur – “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye
More Samsung product placement. James hopes this performance will show another side of him. Hmm, this is a straight up cover. Decent vocal performance, but nothing special.
Louis: That was the vocal performance of the entire night. You never let us down.
Tulisa: Only you could get away with singing that song. It was sexy, it was cheeky …
Gary: What a vocal performance, you are nothing like Plan B, you are James Arthur.
Nicole: It’s safe to say that many babies will be made tonight.
4. Jahmene Douglas – “Tracks Of My Tears” – Smokey Robinson
Jahmene loves Motown. Jahmene stands on a podium behind big letters spelling out his name. This is getting boring. The performance is okay, even though I’ve heard better covers of this song.
Louis: I have loved you from your very first audition.
Tulisa: It wasn’t my favorite performance, but I still can’t fault it.
Gary: Louis, do us a favour, shut up. Totally your area, great performance, well done.
Nicole: You are our little prince of Motown. That was beautiful.
5. Christopher Maloney – “Dancing On The Ceiling” – Lionel Richie
Strong vocals, but very karaoke. Chris basically shouted out the song.
Nicole: Great energy. I’m looking for soul and I’m not seeing much soul there.
Louis: You sang well, but it was karaoke.
Tulisa: You sang well. that performance was more dated than the song itself.
Gary: I’m getting a bit uncomfortable with the criticism you are getting. You started out as a ballad singer.
Rihanna and Bruno Mars perform on the X Factor tomorrow night.
YAWN. That was one bland and boring show tonight. Can we vote off everyone? All 5 acts and the judging panel suck. My favorite performance tonight was Jahmene’s “I Have A Dream”.