X Factor 2 – Top 16 – Results, Recap and Videos

Each judge will choose two of their acts to go through to the Top 12. The remaining two will have to sing off before the judges choose one contestant to eliminate.


  • Young Adults – Willie Jones
  • Over 25s – David Correy
  • Teens – Diamond White
  • Groups – Sister C

Khloe Kardashian Odom is not only a terrible host, but she was actually WORSE tonight than she was yesterday.  Her delivery is like something out of the school of bad acting. She’s wooden, stilted and AWKWARD. By the way, I called 3 of the eliminees tonight! I was only wrong on Demi’s pick. I thought for sure she’d hang on to Willie. But no loss, I actually agree with her pick.

Simon is hilarious with his fakety fake indecision. Sure he couldn’t decide who to send home! Meanwhile, the producers had it all set up for viewers to vote on a new name for 1432. Plus, they got the total redemption edit, with Demi taking back her criticism of last night’s performance after they sang “Skyscraper” as their last chance performance.  I would say these eliminations were cast in stone before anybody took the stage to sing. I KNEW that LA would hang on to Jason Brock just for the lulz. The only elimination I felt a little sad about was Diamond White.  She won her sing off against Arin Ray.  It’s too bad they didn’t hang on to her. I would have rather seen Beatrice Miller go, to be honest. But I think the producers are looking to pit her against Carly Rose for the dramz.

Demi’s Young Adults are first! First, a recap of last night’s performances before the 4 contestants take the stage. Mario introduces each one. Demi was proud of her acts overall. The first act she puts through the Top 12 is Jannel Garcia. Her second act is Paige Thomas.

Willie Jones and CeCe Frey will sing for survival.

CeCe Frey performs “On My Own”.  She looks really nervous. OMG. She’s all sobby and overwrought.  SO DRAMATIC.  Maybe she figures the tears will convince Demi to keep her.  The vocals weren’t perfect, but she sure put on a show.  CeCe is a keeper, she’s just good TV. BYE WILLIE. LA says, “You just saved yourself. I thought that was really good.” He didn’t know the song. What? Britney says, “Tonight you really pulled through.”  Simon says, “I don’t understand why you didn’t do something like this last night. It was just a good song. Very well sang.”

Willie Jones Performs “You Don’t Know Me” by Ray Charles. Whoa pitchy–especially in his lower register. Willie has been in over his head since day one. LA says, “I think you are really unique. That was good. You’re making it tough.” Britney says, “You definitely stand out, but I’m not sure where you fit in.” Simon says, “If we could capture what you brought to that first audition…I wish I was mentoring you.”

Demi has to make a decision! “It’ has to be…Willie Jones!”  Willie is eliminated.  Demi tells Willie that she believes in him, it’s just not his time yet.

OMG. Khloe speaks like a robot.

LA’s Over 25s are next. Oh. Vino is pissed that Britney called him “boring.” He says, “The crush is officially over.”  James is hoping not to be asked to do a save me song. Dream on, bud.  The contestants take the stage. LA thought all of them were really good. He admits that the song choice he gave Jason was not good.  The first act to the Top 12 is Vino Alan. The second act into the Top 12 is Tate Stevens. Predictable!

David Correy and Jason Brock will Sing For Survival

David Correy performs “Since U Been Gone” by Kelly Clarkson – It’s a slowed up version with piano and it’s horribly horribly out of tune. Wow. BYE DAVID! Since U Butchered Kelly Clarkson. Yeah Yeah. Plz NO.  David is trying WAY too hard. He sings the tune like a dirge. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY SHE’S GONE DUDE. Britney says, ‘Very good.”  Demi says, “I didn’t really like the rendition of that song. It sounded like you were screaming.” Simon says, “It was a bit too melodramatic. But I can see what this means to you.”

Jason Brock performs “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston – Jason sounds super harsh on the big high notes, but he’s appropriately passionate, unlike David Correy’s bizarre performance.  Jason just saved himself. Britney says, “Today you turned me into a real fan.” Demi says, “There’s something really genuine about you. You’re just so likeable when you come out here.” Simon says, “You’re asking me to judge to horses that are coming last in the race. I can’t believe either of these guys can win. Compared to what you did yesterday, it was a million times better.

LA feels that Simon’s words were mean. He loves them both. Do I go with Entertainment or The Star. He sends David Correy, The Star, home.  Good TV trumps again!  David swears this won’t be the last we’ll see of him. But of course it will be. Hopefully, David will get to meet his adoptive mother now.

 Britney Spears Teens are next – Carly Rose insists she had “the time of my life” despite what it looked like up on stage. Hm. It turns out that Beatrice is having throat problems.  Khloe awkwardly asks Britney how she feels about her contestants. The first act Britney sends to the Top 12 is Beatrice Miller.  The second act that she saves is Carly Rose.

Diamond White and Arin Ray will Sing for Survival.

Arin Ray performs “I Look To You” by Whitney Houston — Arin is having pitch problems.  The song is too big for him. He should have performed something upbeat–a song that we’d hear on the radio today.  LA says, “I don’t understand why you should have to sing to stay. It will be a shame if you were to go home.” Demi says, “I think the girls in this audience are screaming for you. It really drew me in.” Simon says, “That was a different league to last night. It shows your potential. For you to leave the competition would be a huge mistake.”

Diamond White performs “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word” by Elton John – This is a solid performance. A few tuning issues, but her phrasing is great. I think she outsang Arin. But she’ll go home anyway. LA says, “You have a real future in this business.”  Demi says, “I saw the soul and fire behind your eyes. It really impressed me.” Simon says, “The last 20 seconds of that song, I thought YOU’VE got to go through. I don’t think it’s right that one of you should go.” Simon wants to keep them both.

“This is like, going to be the hardest decision EVER!” says Britney. But, she sends home Diamond White. Not shocked.

Simon Cowell Groups are next. Oh. Demi and LA believe Sister C are going home. Simon wants Demi to apologize to 4231 for dissing them. She refuses. I’m glad, because she was right. The groups take the stage. LOL at all those NUMBERS. It’s confusing. First, Simon sends Emblem3 to the Top 12 first.  The second act Simon puts through is Lyric 145. He makes a big show of having a hard time with the decision, but it’s obviously an act.  The decision was a no brainer.

1432 and Sister C will Sing for Survival.

Sister C performs “When I Look at You” by Miley Cyrus – LA says, “Overall we’ve struggled with song choices. But that time you got it right. Middle C you got a lot of soul. I’d like to see you guys stick around.” Britney says, “I was pleasantly surprised. It was refreshing.” Demi says, “I think you guys are really talented.” Demi thinks it would be a mistake to let them go.

1432 performs Skyscraper by Demi Lovato – Wow. This is SO much better than their performance yesterday. They are bringing what they did to the judges’ home. I’ll be surprised if Simon does not save them. After all, they are his creation. All the girls cry and hug as they finish. LA says, “You did it. And I’m proud.” Britney says, “You guys made me a believer tonight.” Demi says, “iIdon’t know who that song is by, regardless you did better than the original song.” Wow.

Klhoe speaks like she’s been inhabited by an alien. I keep expecting a monster to burst out of her chest.

Simon Cowell says he can make an argument with both groups. He thinks we’ll all be surprised, and maybe a little upset…but…he sends home…Sister C.  He thinks we’re  surprised? WE”RE NOT.

Simon hates 1432 as a name, so WE ALL GET TO VOTE ON A NAME. What a set up. As if Simon didn’t know who he was going to advance all along.

Top 12

  • Jannel Garcia
  • Paige Thomas
  • CeCe Frey
  • Vino Alan
  • Tate Stevens
  • Jason Brock
  • Beatrice Miller
  • Carly Rose
  • Arin Ray
  • Emblem3
  • Lyric 145
  • 1432 (Soon to be called something else)
  • Willie Jones
  • David Correy
  • Diamond White
  • Sister C
About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!