Despite the popularity of the brand new NBC competition reality show, The Voice, the mini-tour the Top 8 contestants embarked on, beginning last night at the Gibson Amphithetre in Los Angeles does not seem to be generating much buzz.
Anecdotal evidence points to sluggish ticket sales. I knew a gal on twitter who only got rid of her 1st row ticket after slashing the price and good tickets are available for cheap at ticket brokers.
Oh well. It’s no secret the show is more about the gimmicks and the all-star judges’ panel than it is about the contestants.
Too bad potential ticket buyers weren’t aware that Blake Shelton would be dropping by at the Gibson last night to duet with his charge, Dia on “I Won’t Back Down”– maybe a few more tickets would have been sold.
Check out a review here. Interesting tidbits: Javier’s last song “Don’t Stop Believing” was chosen by twitter vote. Nakia stepped in for Christina to sing “Beautiful” with Beverly.
Watch a few videos I found on You Tube below.
Javier Colon – Time After Time
Very nice.
Beverly McClellan and Nakia – Beautiful
Dia Frampton – “Losing my Religion” – Dia Frampton and Blake Shelton – Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down”
Dia Frampton – Inventing Shadows
Dia Frampton – Heartless
Xenia – Price Tag
Vicci Martinez – Rolling in the Deep
Vicci Martinez – Jolene
Nakia – Forget You
Top 8 – George Michael Medley