I’m getting more and more unsure of how America is voting, but I’m trying to make sense of it.
100) Ricky Ubeda- He gets a perfect score this week, after dancing another fantastic routine, and getting the kind of comments that remind the viewers that Ricky is in “another league” than all of the other dancers on the show. We are reminded every week that we should be grateful that Ricky has allowed us the opportunity to view his dancing. He is the Jesus of dance. He doesn’t just walk on water, he jettes across it.
95) Zack Everhart- Zack is winning the “underdog” award, coming from having very little screentime, to being the possible favorite to challenge Ricky in the finals. In fact, now with Stanley out of the competition, he has an even greater chance.
82) Rudy Abreu- Rudy climbed back up a bit this week, and could keep climbing if his dances keep falling in line. I wasn’t the biggest fan of that Broadway routine, but it’s enough to put him in 3rd place.
81) Emilio Dosal- Emilio had that jive routine that everyone was talking about this week. Is it enough to keep him out of the bottom 3? I don’t know. It’s always possible that Emilio’s fanbase just isn’t large enough to pull him to safety, but hopefully he got new fans and more votes last week.
78) Serge Onik- Serge does well in my polls, but I worry that his skeleton hip hop didn’t translate into votes this week. He might be in danger. He’s not the strongest hip hop dancer.
73) Casey Askew- Casey’s routine was alright, but with his partner being Brooklyn, I’m worried that they’ll both be in the bottom again, and possibly even going home. These two dancers have always been fodder, and with each week they remain, the stronger the case is made for them going home.
72) Marcquet Hill- Marcquet’s lifts were weak, and now he’s dancing with a new partner. It’s possible that Jessica pulls something out of him this week, but it’s also possible that it’s too little too late for Marcquet, who hasn’t been getting good feedback from Uncle Nigel.
69) Teddy Coffey- His routine last week was the first thing he did right on the show, but he’s going to have to continue that in order to rebuild his fanbase. It’s clear that labeling him a hip-hop dancer was a mistake. He’s a much better contemporary dancer, and probably a better tapper.
Bottom Three: Casey, Marcquet, and Serge
Going Home: Casey or Marcquet
90) Carly Blaney- God, this power list on the girls side is hard. They seem to be all pretty evenly matched right now, anyone could be in the bottom or go home. I think Carly proved herself last week as being adept at Hip Hop, even when her partner Serge didn’t. I think Carly has had a few buzzy moments and routines, and her biggest competition (Jessica) has been stalling.
88) Jessica Richens- Jessica has been able to turn in mediocre dancing, and yet not hit the bottom 3. She’s lost two partners now. She’s like a black widow, but as a dancer.
86) Bridget Whitman- Sure, she stumbled a bit for being in the bottom 3, but many people considered her jive to be the best last week (or at least Top 3). So, she almost fully regained the momentum she lost.
83) Valerie Rockey- Valerie is starting to get her own praise, instead of just being “that thing that Ricky is throwing around the dance floor”. She’s likely a lock for the Top 5, because no one wants to upset Ricky, but once she splits off on her own… can she survive?
79) Jacque LeWarne- Jacque has come a LOOONG way in my power rankings. She’s all the way up at 5th now. Her trajectory is impressive, and this new romance with Rudy is adorable and helps her get noticed. I think if Jacque keeps fighting hard, she could top the girls power list.
76) Emily James- I’m beginning to believe that Emily is the weak link for the contemporary girls. She did have a beautiful routine with Teddy, but she was dancing in her own style. It was Teddy who really got the benefit from being great, because he was seen as dancing out of his style. I think it was good enough to save Emily, but she has to start beasting it in other styles in order to stay.
75) Tanisha Belnap- Tanisha had a strong routine. It’s possible that America may try to send home Zack and Tanisha so that Rudy and Jacque can dance together, but I think Tanisha is probably safe this week. She’s starting to get more likeable as a person in her interviews.
61) Brooklyn Fullmer- Seriously though, who is voting for her? Is there any chance Brooklyn doesn’t go home this week? She’s clearly the weakest remaining female dancer, and now that Jourdan is gone, it’s by a large margin. The only way she isn’t going home is if she’s not bottom 3, and I just can’t see that not happening.
BOTTOM 3: Brooklyn, Jessica, and Emily
GOING HOME: Brooklyn
Now The Polls!
Join me tonight for the live blog!