Spoilers from last night’s So You Think You Can Dance taping are sparse, but we do know who was eliminated. Nigel had to fly to the UK to have dinner with the Prime Minister. That’s why no live show tonight.
These spoilers are from TelevisionWithoutPity.
- George and Audrey sent home, Chehon and Whitney saved.
- Tiffany did amazing in disco.
- Bollywood was another similarly funny and playful routine for Will.
- Eliana got standing O, really good performance with Alex Wong.
- Chehon looked good in Hip Hop!
- Cole looked noticeably distracted (probably by injury?) during performance for the first time, as if he was scared or hesitant. Also seen limping on and off stage at the end the show.
Audrey is a a surprise. George? Not so much. Chehon and Witney in the bottom? WOW.