Reese Witherspoon Skits – Saturday Night Live – VIDEO


Reese Witherspoon Skits Saturday Night Live

Reese Witherspoon hosted this weekend’s Saturday Night Live with Florence + the Machine as musical guests. In her opening monologue, Reese introduced cast members and their mothers to the stage. The progeny offered hilarious apologies for bad things they did as kids. Reese’s mom was the last to take the stage.

In an act of revenge, the moms introduced home movies of the cast members as kids behaving as their goofiest selves. It was pretty adorable.

Another ho-hum night of SNL skits, even with the talented Reese on board. Next week is the season finale featuring the very funny Louis C.K and musical guest, Rihanna.

Here are a few more videos from the broadcast.

2016 Republicans Leadership Conference – Cold Open – Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee (Beck Bennett), Ben Carson (Kenan Thompson), Ted Cruz (Bobby Moynihan), Carly Fiorina (Kate McKinnon), Rand Paul (Kyle Mooney) and Marco Rubio (Taran Killam) make their entrance. The candidates are introduced as if the convention were going down at da club. Hilarious.

Whiskers R We With Reese Witherspoon – Barbara DeDrew (Kate McKinnon) and Purr-sula (Reese Witherspoon) showcase several cats up for adoption, including Cat Middleton, Mufasa and Magellan, a cat whose greatest discovery is his own butthole. Some of the best skits are tacked on at the end. Watch Kate and and Reese crack each other up. Is there a member of the writing staff from Pittsburgh? Yinz from the burgh will get it.

High School Theatre Show – Six high school students (Kyle Mooney, Taran Killam, Reese Witherspoon, Aidy Bryant, Kate McKinnon, Beck Bennett) stage an avant-garde production dedicated to John Lennon and Shonda Rhimes. The preternaturally pretentious and untalented high schoolers of Woodbridge high are back! And Leslie Jones keeps it real.

Picture Perfect – Game show contestant Daniel Hoffman (Bobby Moynihan) and his celebrity teammate, Reginald VelJohnson (Kenan Thompson), must draw the prophet Muhammad if they want to win $1 million. Hmm….

Mr. Westerberg – When a group of coworkers (Reese Witherspoon, Pete Davidson, Kenan Thompson, Vanessa Bayer, Beck Bennett) takes turns mimicking the boss (Bobby Moynihan), one unintentionally reveals some disturbing comments Mr. Westerberg has made. EEP. That was icky.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!