Paula Abdul Spills: Jamie Foxx Mentors the Idols for Rat Pack Week Plus Contestants to Sing Only One Song

UPDATE:   Confirmation that each of the 5 remaining contestants will only sing one song tonight comes from the site:

Top 5 Results 9/8c: After five performances and millions of votes, somebody goes home tonight.

That’s from the site’s calendar page.   I’m guessing the producers figured out they’d never be able to squeeze 10 performances into one hour.   The result was probably a scramble to find a last-minute mentor, and the kids told, “Sorry, ditch one of the songs you’ve been practicing.” was previously promoting a 10-song episode.

GRRR.   I want LESS judge babble and MORE performances please. Ditch the 4th judge next year. It’s obviously not working.

thanks mad mike

Paula Abdul told Tommy and Brook from Star 105.7 in an interview yesterday that singer/actor/comedian Jamie Foxx will be this week’s “surprise mentor” for Rat Pack week.

When asked who she thinks will be in the Top 2, she says Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey initially. But, probably in an effort not to offend the Grand Rapids MI audience–it’s Matt Giraud country after all–she adds that really any of the remaining contestants could be in the final with Adam.

Now, it’s not at all clear whether the contestants will be singing two songs tonight or not… Need to do a little more digging around to confirm that one way or another.

Listen to the interview, in two parts:

Paula Abdul – Part 1
Paula Abdul – Part 2

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!