Next Great American Band–Top 5 Spoilers!

ETA: I just fixed a problem with the  post formatting.   Check out Caffiend’s recap if you haven’t read the whole thing, it’s  good stuff…  

Caffiend attended the taping this week…

Click the jump to read her recap, and find out who went home!

Tres Bien! is eliminated.  Sniff.  


So tonight was Rod Stewart Night on the Next Great American Band. I was wondering how they’d fill the hour with only five bands. Turns out there is a fairly lengthy video retrospective at the start about the final six bands’ journey on the show. The producers do a good job on those videos.

So here’s the scoop, in order of appearance.

Dot Dot Dot: Did “Young Turks, ” I do like this band, not so much for its musicianship as for its personality. I love the lead guy, Adam. He’s just charming and adorable. Anyway, they do a very good job with the song. Sheila gets booed for comments about Adam’s vocals. Adam assures the judges that they take everything they say to heart, and you can tell they do by the way they listen to the critique of their performance. Very endearing. They won’t win the whole thing, but I’d see them in a club.

Denver and the Mile High Orchestra: I thought Denver was vulnerable this week, but they made it through. As I’ve said, they are popular with the audience, and they do sound very good live. In their video montage, they talk about how hard it was to find a Rod Stewart song with nonsexual lyrics (I heard from an audience member that they’re all Christians). Anyway, they perform “Baby Jane.” Denver cranks up his vocals, prompting praise from Sheila, who has always been a big supporter.

Sixwire: I just love this band…they’re my second favorite. I’ll be stunned if they’re not in the top 3. Anyway, they choose “Hot Legs, ” a somewhat surprising choice, but in a good way. They rocked the hell out of it, with solos from every band member. All three judges criticize them for including a bass solo…huh? I didn’t get that one. These guys are pros.

Clark Brothers: They are my pick to win it all. These guys are just amazing in person…so incredibly humble. They chose “You’re in My Heart, ” and Ashley muffed the song title coming out of the video segment. He called it “I’m In Your Heart, ” so the whole sequence had to be filmed three times. He apologized each time, saying he was nervous. He was, and embarrassed too. It was so sweet. And I’m thinking, how can you be nervous? You’re so good…but I think this thing just means so much to these guys.

So then I got nervous for them…what if they blow the performance, forget the lyrics? But then the lights go down, and Ashley and Austin are sitting for their parts. And they proceed to do the most lovely, passionate, pure version of that song you’ll ever hear. The audience was mesmerized.

Johnny said the song touched him deeply, which is a lot for him to say; he was in a pretty crappy mood all night because he was sick. Then Dominic turns to Sheila, and there is dead silence in the studio because Sheila is in tears and cannot compose herself. That’s right: Sheila is having a Paula moment. Everyone came to a standstill as we waited for Sheila to be able to speak. It was really something. The silence went on for at least half a minute. I got choked up. Even Dicko joked that she was going to get him going. Finally she managed to say something about how they touched her heart.

It gets better. Dicko loves the performance, of course; he loves this band. Then he asks Ashley why he didn’t use the fiddle. Ashley explained that he couldn’t get into a rhythm singing the song and playing the fiddle. So Dicko says, “You know, you are free to hire and fire band members at will anytime during this competition. Why don’t you bring another Clark brother or two into the band?” Ashley, seemingly quite surprised by this news that they can add band members, says he’ll have to see if the other brothers are available (so cute!) and promises to “make a few calls.” He!

Wow! Wouldn’t it be something to tune in next week and see another one or two members of the Clark band of brothers? And there are several more musical brothers in the family to call on…including a drummer. And yes, they all have first names beginning with A. Read more here.

OK, so now we’re down to the final two. And once again, a HUGE contingent has come from Light of Doom’s native San Marcos, California (about two hours south of the studio) to support LOD. The producers must be dreading the day that this band gets eliminated, because the LOD supporters make up about half of the audience.

But not to worry. LOD makes it through, and Tres Bien gets eliminated. Aah, the perils of going first the week before. This band has an appealing look and a charming front man. Not sure how their music would play for mainstream audiences, but Johnny advises them to tour the country “playing crappy clubs, ” and Dicko tells them they have what it takes to get a record deal.

So LOD takes the stage, to heavy screaming from the audience. They perform “Infatuation, ” and the lead singer, little Erik, even takes a lap thought the mosh pit. These boys are getting better each week. I swear they’re going through puberty right before my eyes. Dicko notes that Erik’s vocals have gotten better–the result of voice lessons, as it turns out.

Great show. The Web site says there will be a three-band finale. No word yet on where or when that will be. Meanwhile, next week the bands will take on Queen. Hmm, should be interesting! Denver doing…Bohemian Rhapsody? I think David Bowie might be the week after, btw, because Dominic said Bowie first, then said Queen on the second take. I believe Sixwire and the Clark Brothers will be in the finale, but I have no idea who the third band will be.

Love this show!!!! I hope Fox sticks with it.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!