Hi Fi Responds to Adam Lambert, Claims He Signed A Record Contract in 2008

 The game of He said/She said continues, as Hi Fi responds to Adam Lambert’s latest statement regarding the release of   On With The Show,

“As we’ve already outlined, releasing this music was always the plan. That plan was changed by 19 Recordings after Adam won America over with his extraordinary talent. It’s a shame that his management/record company choose to disavow their client’s work and discredit him as a songwriter. As an independent company whose role it is to help put this out, we at Hi Fi think this is an absolute slap in the face to Wilshire Records. That small indie music company, run by an experienced music producer, Malcolm Welsford, thrives on finding, nurturing and championing new talent, and now they find themselves at a tremendous potential loss. Adam’s songwriting partner, Monte Pittman now finds himself at a tremendous potential loss. Via the press, in the words of the musician they dedicated so much time and money to, they are being told that their work with Adam should never see the light of day.”

Hi Fi’s statement continues: “We apologize for what has become a tiresome tit for tat, particularly on a day that we mourn the loss of a truly original, game-changing entertainer, but unfortunately, each statement released in Adam’s name contains a different story. We remain steadfast in our assertion that we seek only to share the music Adam wrote, according to plan, so his fans know the depth of his talent and see that he will be handsomely rewarded for his work.”

Hi Fi claims that it has a signed recording contract with Adam dated Feb. 12, 2008. The label has already made one of the CD’s tracks, “Want, ” available on iTunes.

If   (If–don’t kill me) Adam signed a recording contract with Wilshire, he violated the terms of his Idol contract which stipulates a contestant can’t have current management or label contract.   Not that 19 would do anything about it now, with so much money–and their reputation–at stake.

I’m not going to speculate on the contract claims, but I do believe Hi Fi has all their ducks in a row as far as the release of Adam’s music is concerned.   At some point, Adam signed something, allowing Hi Fi/Wilshire to release this music.   He seems to regret it now–and who could blame him–he has no input in how these unfinished demos will be released.   But, sign away he did. He’s not a victim.

It’s time, I think, for all parties to shut the hell up.   In the end, it’s not a big deal.   Fans can buy it, or not. But, without any significant promotion, the fans who are upset by this can console themselves–the music will likely die a quick death.

Hi Fi’s self-serving statements are becoming increasingly more annoying (Michael Jackson? Really?!?), but they are only business people trying to make a buck, they aren’t evil do-ers out to destroy Adam.

Adam might have more to worry about from the sharks at 19R/RCA. These guys–they’re all the same.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!