Haley Reinhart and Casey Abrams performed at the Magnificent Mile in Chicago Saturday afternoon as part of the shopping area’s 20th annual Lights Festival.
It was the live debut of their new Christmas single “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, set to be released on Tuesday. Speaking of which…where the heck are their coats? I’m cold just looking at them.
The duo also sang their Idol duet “Moanin” and a cover of the Beatles’ “All My Loving”.
Later, Casey and Haley performed “Baby It’s Cold Outside” from a top a parade float!
VIDEO: cashhmoneyy18, JamesonSkyy, Himmm2
Watch the performances below.
Casey and Haley – Moanin
Casey and Haley – Baby it’s Cold Outside
Casey and Haley – The Beatle’s “All My Loving”
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” sung from a parade float