Glee Episode 12 – The Spanish Teacher – Recap, Photos, Video


Tonight, Ricky Martin guest stars on Glee and shows the kids how to wiggle! Ha. Will Schuester and Sue Sylvester battle it out over 1 tenure spot at McKinley. NeNe Leakes returns as Roz Washington. Sue Sylvester goes trolling for…SPERM. You heard me. And Rachel’s pals, Kurt and Mercedes aren’t exactly ready to throw her a bridal shower when they learn of her secret engagement.

There were no major character developments or gimmicky plot points involved in tonight’s episode of Glee. Heck, there was no Darren Criss and he’s one of my favorites! But I thoroughly enjoyed tonight’s episode. And reason numero uno was Ricky Martin, who played Spanish teacher, David Martinez.

Damn that man is hot! And a good actor. I’ve never really had much of an opinion about him one way or the other, although I recognized he was a good performer. But damn…he really is hot!  His two numbers were fantastic! “Sexy and I Know It” sizzled and was so much fun. And I loved the sultry and sexy  La Isle Bonita duet with Naya Rivera . Those two should record a duet for real.

Who knew that Will was such a terrible Spanish teacher? Are there high schools that would actually hire someone who could barely speak the language?  Good on Santana for calling him out on his Spanglish. I laughed out loud at his sad  Latin Elvis.

“The Spanish Teacher” felt very much like a very good Season 1 episode.  You had your awesome Sue Sylvester zingers that didn’t feel gratuitous or random.  Jane Lynch’s exchanges with NeNe Leakes’ Roz Washington were especially lolzworthy, and there were some touching moments between characters that felt completely organic and true to character.

Speaking of Sue, the writers are finding a way to make her relevant again. She had morphed into a walking talking caricature. So superfluous, that she could have just disappeared and she wouldn’t have been missed.

Finally, the character has a dimension or two.  The writers are developing that soft side we only caught glimpses of early on.  But, she hasn’t lost her bite.  Season 2 Sue announcing she was going to have a baby would have been a little scary. But now? It seems feasible.  Advising the boys to donate to a sperm bank (WHAT?) except for Artie (it was an accident!) and Kurt (The weirdness stops here) was both creepy and hilarious.  But then she turns around and admits that she wants Will’s baby because maybe being a stand up guy is genetic. I am definitely liking this new Sue Sylvester.

Some nice moments:

No Klaine tonight, but Furt made up for it!  Kurt tells Finn that he is something special–destined for more than just holding Rachel’s purse on the red carpet.  And that his charm and leading man good-looks coupled with talent is special.  There hasn’t been enough brotherly love between these two since Burt and Carole got married. Here’s hoping there’s more.

Also adorable: The Mercedes/Rachel/Kurt Twilight pajama party.  Finally, we have Kurt and Mercedes not behaving as if they had never been friends. It really bugged me the way the writers just cut Mercedes out of Kurt’s life.  I’m glad Kurt and Mercedes played the voice of reason when Rachel revealed she was engaged– rather than indulging the romantic fantasy. Favorite line from Kurt: “Why are you being so weird and serious. Our periods don’t come until the end of the month.”

Sam and Mercedes don’t speak for a week on the advice of Emma who feels they need to separate to sort out their feelings.  Amber Riley does a nice job with “Don’t Wanna Lose You”, a song that I would typically snap off my radio. And Chord Overstreet’s smooth delivery was perfect for the sexy Latin mash up Baboleo/Hero.  Hipster boots for the win!

Romance Gods…please break up Mercedes and Shane so we can have a Samcedes romance. Thank you! I thought those two looked cute together ever since they were holding hands on the sly at the end of Season 2.

Will disses Emma and her big box of awesome pamphlets.  How could you Will? I mean about the pamphlets! Ha “So You’re a Two-Timing Ho” “So You’re Dating a Two Timing Ho”. Emma gets the last laugh when her “Taint Misbehaving” becomes a bible of male  hygiene.  OMG the boys. “I stopped washing down there because I thought it was gay”.  “I thought the hair down there was to catch dirt”,  “Lift and scrub…Who knew it was so easy!” Heh.

There were two really true twists at the end .  Will and Sue battled the whole episode for a single McKinley tenure spot. Who gets it in the end? Emma!  And it’s all good. Santana helps Will realize (she had turned him into Principal Figgins, hence the order for Will to brush up on his Spanish) that his heart is really not into teaching Spanish. And here’s what I think will eventually happen. Will is going to teach Glee part time at McKinley, but then do something else on the outside that brings him into contact with the graduated seniors. Hm.

The other twist was the revelation that it was Becky Jackson who complained to Figgins about Sue’s sagging teaching skills. I didn’t see that coming.

Also WHO is Sue’s sperm donor? Hm.

Will gives up his Spanish teachers job to David Martinez, who had been helping Will brush up on his Spanish at night class. It opens the door for Ricky to come back, which would be a very very good thing.

Next week, it’s hearts and romance as the Glee kids celebrate Valentines Day. Tin roof…rusted!


Listen to FULL STREAMS of the songs from The Spanish Teacher

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Next Week’s Glee “Heart” Promo

Ricky Martin on his Glee Roll

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About mj santilli 35052 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!