Photos: karlinkeele
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Students from Joplin High School, still reeling from the effects of a tornado that devastated the town of Joplin, MO back in May, had a very nice surprise.
Season 7 Idol winner, David Cook was a surprise performer at their school’s big homecoming dance that took place at Memorial Hall Saturday night.
There had been months of speculation about which big name would visit Joplin to perform. The rumors included the Red Hot Chile Peppers and the Black Eyed Peas.
But, according to school officials, it was Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. that arranged for David to play a show at homecoming, and will be making a $100, 000 to Joplin Bright Futures.
School officials attempted to play the event “very close to the vest, ” to keep David’s performance a surprise for the students.
But, as these things usually do, the cat was out of the bag when David and his band were spotted at an Olive Garden nearby. Rumors about a possible David Cook appearance had been swirling all day.
A Missouri native, David told News Talk KZRG that once he saw the destruction the May 22nd tornado did, he had to come.
David and his band are on their way to University Park, PA to play the opening date of their co-headlining tour with Gavin DeGraw. David hits Rec Hall at Penn State tomorrow night, October 9.
If any more media, photos or videos show up, I’ll update this post!
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