We drove from Wilmington, NC to Charlotte Saturday morning (about a 3.5 hr drive). I am telling you I am from Wilmington, b/c that comes into play later…
Sunday morning we get up to go bus seeking. I wanted to be there early b/c I HAD to be up front to meet my tv bf. We got to arena around 10:30. No barricades were set up yet and only about 10 people were waiting. People slowly (then more quickly) started to show and security finally put up barricades. I got in the middle and up front. I was with my 10 year old son who was very excited to meet David Cook (as was his mom!).
Word of advice to those who havent been to a show yet, that are planning to bus seek: Bring a chair! The idols finally starting come out around 2:45. Four hours on the feet in NC summer weather=not the best feeling. Luckily, at times there was a breeze and the barricades were partially under a bunch of trees in front of the arena. I had on my “I love a man in eyeliner” tee and all the other fans loved it! I was very pleased w/ myself. Cook did not notice it, but Archie did and said he liked it, hehe.
More recap and PHOTOS after the Jump…
We brought our own sharpies, but the Idols have gotten smart and now apparently bring their own. Good idea. Cook and Carly came out first. Cook flew by! He took a very limited amount of pictures that I could see. He signed my RS mag and my sons autograph book. Btw, the autograph book has Foster and Friends (or whatever its called) cartoon on the cover. This comes into play later also. My son asked him if he would sign the back of his shirt also and he did. When Carly came down, my son asked for a pic w/ her and she said ok, but then this CRAZY Carly fan came running up behind us and everyone lost their bearings and he never did get the pic w/ her. She is thinner in person, very pretty. Cook is freaking beautiful in person, but that probably goes w/o saying.
I had my little gift bag for him, ready to go, but everything went by so damn fast, and I was so in awe of him, I totally forgot to hand it to him! Security later came and got it from me and put it with all the other gifts. I also meant to look closely at the bling and new tattoo, but forgot to do either! The only thing I fully noticed were the boots, which I got an awesome pic of, will try to post later.
He was wearing his red KC Chiefs cap and an argyle sweater. Boyfriend was looking hawt. On the way back from signing, to get back inside the arena, Cook was walking back w/ security. As he passed back by us, he stopped in his tracks, made a beeline for my son, put out his hand to shake my son’s and said, “See ya inside buddy.” Freaking adorable and yes I cried. If anyone has this on YouTube, you are my best friend for life!
Kristy Lee came out next. She looked cute, hair in a ponytail, sunglasses. My son asked for a pic w/ her, she obliged. Next up was Jason and Archie. I think Archie got to us first. Most of the idols went by fairly quickly, but Archie stayed the longest. He was VERY accomodating in Charlotte. Every single person that asked for a pic, were granted their wish, my son inlcuded. All Archie kept saying when asked for pic after pic was, “Um, sure” lol. He is as adorable in person as on tv. When my son gave him his book to sign, Archie looked at it and said, “I love that show!” It was very cute.
Jason makes his way down. Holy God, his eyelashes are a mile long! That man is just pretty. He signed and took a pic w/ my son.
Chikeze and Michael Johns were next. I said to myself once MJ made his way down, I was done. It was getting warmer and I was tired. And it was getting very late. MJ signed my son’s book and asked if he could get a pic and MJ said, “I’m just signing now, but I’ll try to take some pics on the way back mate.” My son thought it was cute, he called him “Mate.” He didn’t get his pic w/ MJ. At this point, my son did not want to leave until he got EVERYONE’S signatures. I went and sat at a nearby bench and just watched. He got Chikeze’s autograph and a hug.
Brooke came out next and pretty much flew by from what I could tell. My son got her autograph but I had the camera so no pic.
After that, we left. If Ramielle or Syesha came out, we never saw them. Glad we got all our favorites though.
Back to hotel to shower and change. Got back to arena, bought our souvenirs which included a $25 program, a $35 t-shirt, and 3 sodas at $4 each. Then went to our seats. We were lower level front row, but nowhere near the “front” front. Still, good seats, and no one’s backs in our knees.
Our crowd was a good one, imo.
Chikeze was good but not my fave by far. I think it was just his song choices for me.
Rami- I know she has gotten a lot of negative reviews over the course of the tour, but I thought she was actually pretty good!
MJ- Holy sh*t. That is all I can say. He mentioned he used to live in the south and really missed eating at Chik-a-filet. It was cute, I love me some Chik-a-Filet.
KLC- I am a country music fan, but other than “God Bless the USA, ” I have never heard of those other 2 songs in my life! She was ok.
Carly- Very good. I liked the Heart song the best of her 3. She said was familiar w/ NC b/c her hubby is from here. But where in NC? Wilmington! Awesome!
Brooke- “Let it Be” was very good. The other 2 were meh, imo. Another word of advice: If you have to pee at this point, I would suggest (if you are not a Brooke fan) to go right after “Let it Be, ” b/c you will make it back in time for “Pride.” I didn’t leave my seat until intermission b/c I was scared to miss anything. Bathroom line was long, but still got back before Jason came out.
Jason- Loved his laidback set.
Syesha- Very nice. Loved “Listen.” The Alicia Keys song was very good also.
Archie- 2nd Holy Sh*t moment of the night. The crowd went nuts for this kid. He was good, but again not my fave. Best song was “Stand by Me” w/ a little “Beautiful Girls” thrown in.
Cook- Well just f**king forget it. This guy is all that and more. I totally spoiled myself over the past few weeks (months) w/ “Hello” and “BJ” videos. Maybe for that reason, “My Hero” was my fave performance of the entire night. He was wearing the Metal Maven shirt. During TOML, when the crowd got to sing their part, afterward, he said, that Charlotte so far, has definitely been the loudest during that part. Yeeahhh! Charlotte brought it! I was selfishly very proud. I didn’t take any videos of him, b/c I wanted to experience the experience. And I did! I am now hearing he was not feeling well last night. Boyfriend (imo) did not show it onstage at all!
“Please Dont Stop the Music” was in full effect w/ “Singin in the Rain.” Awesomeness. At the end, Cook bowed down to Archie and wouldn’t get up, and finally Archie kicks him, too cute.
After the show, the crowd lined up outside to meet them was large and not orderly like ours had been earlier in the day. We did not stay for that. I have no idea if they came out again after the show.
In order of favorite performers from most to least fave, my opinion is as follows: 1- Cook; 2-MJ; 3-Jason; 4-Carly; 5-Syesha; 6-Archie; 7-Rami; 8-Brooke; 9-Chikeze; 10-KLC.
We had an awesome time. It was our first AI concert and I cant say enough good things about our experience! If you have the chance to go, I definitely recommend it!