UPDATE: Scotty McCreery Wins Coin Toss on ‘American Idol, ‘ But Lets Lauren Alaina Choose Shirley Halperin was there,
“After Reinhart’s elimination, host Ryan Seacrest tossed a coin to determine who would get to choose whether to perform first or second on Wednesday’s finale. The coin featured a picture of McCreery’s face on one side and Alaina’s on the other. It landed on McCreery. But the singer decided to defer to his competitor: In a gentlemanly manner, he asked her if she preferred to go first or second. She chose second.”
Your Top 2: Scotty McCreery, Lauren Alaina – Youngest matchup in Idol history. Yipee. All country All teen finale. I couldn’t be more excited. /sarcasm.
Eliminated: Haley Reinhart
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