American Idol 10 Top 6 – The Results!

Casey Abrams is eliminated from American Idol

Uuuggghh. I’m not happy about Casey Abram’s ouster tonight, but I’m not shocked either. It stands to reason that a contestant who has been eliminated once could be eliminated again at any time.

Still, ugh. I was so sure it was Jacob Lusk’s time. He’s been hanging by a thread for a weeks. And it’s not like he’s pulled a Syesha and improved his performances (that’s Haley’s deal right now), or is the only contestant who can work the stage and entertain (see: Lynch, Mike).  Unlike those two alums who seemed to baffle folks with their continued presence on the show,   Jacob is just sorta there, doing his clumsy, overly vibratoed, gospel deal week after week.

But I guess the same could be said for Casey. He’s another example of how the judges praising everything he did caused him to get a little–dare I say big headed–and sloppy. His best performance was Elton John’s “Your Song”, the week after he was saved. Having the bejeezus scared out of him produced good work. I’d have to say the same for Scotty. When the judges finally laid the hammer down on him last week after praising him endlessly for weeks, he came back last night with one of his best performances to date.

So, I’m annoyed. Casey had his problems, but I found him entertaining and appreciated his musicality. I didn’t expect him to win, but I was hoping he would get at least to the Top 5. Dang.

I suppose the panel’s inability to tell it straight is why the producers brought in Jimmy Iovine as a Simon Doppelganger to critique the contestants during their results. Too bad Iovine doesn’t have even ONE iota of Simon’s charm. Although, I have to admit I lulzed when Iovine, criticizing Casey Abrams for his unpleasant growl said, “The family dog does not vote!” Otherwise, he came off toolish.

Haley’s irritation with Iovine was palpable as she swore in response to what he said about her not “knowing who she is yet”. The frustration with the mixed opinions the kids have been receiving from all sides has been clear in recent interviews with the press. I get the feeling the kids don’t really like Iovine, but they kiss his ass, knowing they could be working with him some day.

It’s so unpleasant watching these kids struggle, and I can’t help but think we’d be getting much better and more daring performances out of this group of talented contestants if the atmosphere wasn’t so confusing for them. Way too many cooks in the kitchen Nigel!

I hope Scotty McCreery is smart enough to realize that Nigel was playing fast and loose tonight with the results. There was no bottom 3. Even though Ryan said a few times that the picks were random, just the sight of Scotty standing next to Casey center stage sent out the signal that he’s in trouble. Don’t get complacent people! Vote vote vote. We want our guy in the final!

The judges (and producers) are  gunning for a Lauren/Scotty/James Top 3, I believe.  Jacob, and Haley (Casey’s girlfriend, they are sooo doing it) are next on the hit list. Watch out!

Live blog and VIDEOS after the jump.

Live blogging the American Idol 10 Top 6 results right here!

  • Watch the East Coast live feed HERE.

Crystal Bowersox sings “Riding On the Radio” plus Bruno Mars performs!

Ryan says, “A lot of fans are going to be disappointed with tonight’s results. It’s the hardest part of the week.”

Ryan pimps Steven’s People magazine and Rolling Stone covers.

The kids attended a function at the British Consulate for Brit Week a few days ago. It’s all about fish out of water people, as the idols make their way around the party.

The Top 6 sing a medley of Carole King hits. Whoa. Pitch problems for the win. This is pretty high-larious. Scotty singing “Go Away LIttle Girl” surrounded by teeny-boppers. HOT MESS AHEAD! I LOVE THE GROUP NUMBER!

Ford Music Video: “Our House” In the middle of our street…la la la.

Crystal Bowersox takes the stage to sing “Ridin’ with the Radio.” Whoa pedal steel guitar. She’s really moving toward a country sound, isn’t she? Interesting. Casey bopping up and down! Ha. Totally AWESOME performance from Crystal. She’s got such ease up there. Season 9 didn’t totally suck (And actually, Lee was really good too when he performed on Idol a few weeks ago.)

Twitter Q&A with the contestants. Casey would like to do a duet with Oscar Peterson, jazz pianist. Jacob discovered range in his voice at 7 in church. Lauren says the hardest thing about the contest is missing her friends and family. She sends a shoutout to people who were affected by the tornadoes. Scotty, admits embarrassingly, that he worked with his mom at the local tanning salon. James says he played with a few bands before Idol. He’s always got a project going on. Haley’s favorite Idol is…she can’t pick one. She namechecks Adam Lambert, Siobhan Magnus, Kelly Clarkson, Lee DeWyze & Crystal Bowersox. Haley becomes flustered when Ryan deadpans, “No Taylor Hicks?”  MEAN.

Results! Haley Reinhart takes center stage. We see a recap of her performance & judges comments. Jimmy weighs in via video. “Haley doesn’t know who she is yet. If she goes home it’s because of that. Haley was bleeped. “Watch you mouth, young lady” says Ryan.  Haley is irritated by Jimmy’s assessment. She knows who she is…  HALEY IS SAFE! Hooray.

Scotty McCreery is center stage. Same video recap of his performance. Jimmy says, “Character, strength and confidence. He has a subtly that is magnificent. Jimmy is worried his subtlety  will be overlooked.” Scotty agrees. “Sometimes people are looking for glory notes.”   Ryan tells Scotty to sit down for a minute.

Lauren Alaina takes center stage.  Video recap and then Jimmy says, “Lauren only hears the negative in the critique. She has a poise when she is confident.” He predicts Lauren is here for a long time.  Lauren agrees, all she thinks of the negative stuff.  He ask her to take a seat.

Casey Abrams is next. Video recap, and then Jimmy says, “Casey is a great musician, will go on to be a great singer/songwriter. The family dog does not vote!” Jimmy doesn’t like the growling, but thinks he will be safe. Asks Casey to sit back down on the couch.

Time for a break! Who is in…who is out…you may be surprised, says Ryan.

James Durbin is next. Video recap, and then Jimmy says, “When James sings heavy metal, he’s not believable. When he sings a melody with a great song, with a rock feel, he’s much more believable to me. In other words, say hello to the HAC format, James! James is SAFE.

Jacob Lusk is next. Video recap,   After snarking that Jacob belonged in the Dancing With The Stars dressing room, rather than Idol in his outfit, Jimmy says, “In AI it’s not just the voice. You need the whole package. Jacob could still possibly go home. He’s on banana peel status. ”  Jacob is sent back to the couch.

“At this point of the competition, ” Jimmy says, “This is a horse race. We’ve got to stop comparing them to themselves…we have to compare them to each other. There is only one winner of American Idol.”

Lauren Alaina is safe. I’m glad, because I could not have taken the conspiracy theories afterward.

Scotty, Casey and Jacob were sent back to the couch, but never declared bottom 3.  Shenanigans, people. Nigel’s playing with us.

Bruno Mars is next.  This segment was taped a few weeks ago.

THE RESULTS ARE IN RANDOM ORDER TONIGHT. Jacob is SAFE. WTF? Gah. Will the nightmare never end? Scotty and Casey are left. And of course, Casey is toast. UGH UGH UGH. Damn.


  • Haley Reinhart
  • James Durbin
  • Lauren Alaina
  • Jacob Lusk
About mj santilli 35175 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!