Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 9 – HoH Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 9 - HoH Results

Big Brother 17 Spoilers Week 9 – HoH Results

As expected, Becky was sent to Jury during the live Big Brother eviction Thursday night. The episode closed with the houseguests playing the HoH competition. Meg was the first houseguest eliminated. The competition ended while feeds were down. Austin won the HoH competition.

It was a racing competition, with runners at the starting line waiting until a monitor says “Go” before they can take off and press the buzzer at the end of their lanes.  The last to press the buzzer in each round was eliminated. Additionally, the monitor flashed random words–some of them designed to be confusing. Racers who took off on a word other than “Go” were also eliminated.

Julia was out next, then Vanessa who was eliminated after a false start. John left the competition next, then Steve. It was close between James and Austin, but Austin took it.

Austin made a deal with James not to put him or Meg up this week if he lost. James has promised to do the same the following week.  Liz told Vanessa that Austin went for it, because he was afraid James would try to make another big move (he would have).

John admitted that he didn’t try very hard because he thought the rest would throw it to him. Really John?

At the moment, it’s unclear who Austin will put up on the block at tomorrow nominating ceremony. With Austin and Liz sharing the HoH room again, it will be another week of Austin giving Liz hickeys and groping her under the covers. Yuck.

Expect updates to this post!

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