Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Spoilers (Week 7 Power of Veto Results)

Find out who won this week’s coveted Power of Veto here:

Christine is the HoH and she nominated Donny and Zach for eviction. The houseguests chosen to play for the Power of Veto were Caleb, Derrick, and Nicole.

Zach won the Power of Veto.

Zach was Christine’s target, so he won the POV when he really needed to. At the moment, Christine plans to nominate Victoria in her place and send Donny home. However, a lot of people are going to approach Christine about putting up Nicole instead. If enough people pressure her to do so, she may very well nominate Nicole despite promising she wouldn’t do that. However, if Christine was smart, she would nominate either Derrick or Cody and try to evict one of them. However, Derrick is running the house, so things will most likely go his way at the Veto Ceremony. But at the moment, it looks like Donny will be leaving next, with a very small chance of it being Nicole or Victoria instead.

In addition, Zach and Frankie seem to have made up. I would be baffled if the two of them start trusting each other again after the fight they had last night. Cody and Derrick are just as tight as ever, but Cody should start to question why Derrick is so adamant about keeping Victoria. Doesn’t he realize Victoria would be the perfect houseguest to sit next to in the final 2, and Derrick would surely take her to the end over Cody?

Despite the season being very predictable so far, things should become somewhat interesting in the upcoming weeks. Now that all the outsiders will be taken out if/when Donny leaves, that leaves Nicole as the main target. However, Christine has admitted she wants to work with Nicole. But does she really? There’s also the returning player twist that Julie alluded to this past week during the double eviction. Based on interviews, Jocasta said she would target Frankie if she were to return and Hayden said he would target Derrick and Cody if he were to return. Donny is onto Derrick’s game and wants the other houseguests to finally be aware of this too. Will Derrick finally be targeted in the house? It all depends on how the upcoming weeks play out.

I’ll post another update on Monday after the Veto Ceremony.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.