Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Spoilers (Week 12 Veto Results) – UPDATED

Find out who won this week’s coveted Power of Veto here:

Caleb is the HoH and he nominated Frankie and Victoria for eviction. They replayed the face morphing competition, but was there a different result?

Cody won the Power of Veto.

This means that this is goodbye to Frankie! The plan all along is for Frankie to be the next to go. He is a big threat in competitions and could’ve very well won his way to the end. However, he was unable to save himself this week, which means he’ll be the next houseguest going to the Jury House.

That leaves the Final Four to be Caleb, Cody, Derrick, and Victoria. It’s been obvious all season long, but Derrick is the most likely winner at this point. The only person who could’ve beaten him was Frankie, but he’ll be gone now. Caleb and Cody could team up to take out Derrick, but that seems unlikely since Cody and Derrick have been each other’s closest ally since the beginning of the game. But the question remains who will Derrick want to sit next to in the end? Will he take Cody or Victoria? What if Caleb wins the Final HoH competition instead? Would he take Derrick? I guess we’ll have to see how the rest of the season plays out these upcoming weeks.

UPDATE: Cody did not use the Power of Veto. Frankie will be evicted.

About Steven Curtis 555 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.