Big Brother 15: Spencer Clawson Jokes About Child Porn (Disgusting)

If overt racism, homophobia and misogyny isn’t enough, now things in the Big Brother 15 house are becoming even more disgusting.

Spencer Clawson, who hasn’t been shy about revealing his haterade (and upsetting his employers in the process)  definitely stepped over a line last night that should never be crossed.  I mean this is stuff you just don’t joke about in any way shape or form.

Child pornography. Yes, Spencer made jokes about child porn that were graphic and very specific.  I’m going to post the dialogue, transcribed via Big Brother Spice. Warning, if you find talk of sexual abuse at all triggering? Don’t read.

While in the bathroom, Spencer, Amanda and Andy are talking as McCrae showers. They are talking about how easy the spray tan washes off and then suddenly, completely out of the blue, Spencer says, “I like to beat off to child p*rn. Did I ever tell y’all about that?”

“Oh God,” says Andy.

“I love it. Beating off to child p*rn is my favorite thing there is.” Spencer is talking directly into his microphone…or is that McCrae’s?

He continues, “I love it when they’re around 3 or 4 years old. My favorite ones are when you can tell they’re in a basement.”

Andy is uncomfortable, Amanda smiles. Andy changes the subject by asking what they are having for dinner. BB15 fans are left feeling dirty (once again) after watching the live feeds.


ETA: The transcript I quoted is a little confusing. Other accounts report that Spencer picks up McRae’s microphone and pretends to be him. The detail clarifies the scenario a little, but does not make the joke any less inappropriate or tasteless.

As the only other African American in the house is about to be evicted at the hands of the houseguests  (Aaryn and GinaMarie) who have been abusing her, this latest development has to have CBS really squirming. The network has got to do a better job of screening prospective contestants. Sure you want drama. There need to be villains. But the out and out hatred and seriously gross behavior is hard to watch.

Take it from Jun, winner of Big Brother season 4. After witnessing Spencer’s atrocious behavior on last night’s feeds, she’s decided to STOP blogging Big Brother all together.

I’m leaving you. I can’t take you anymore.

You’re supposed to be part dirt and part strategy but you’re mostly human trash in every sense of the word, save for the few kind-hearted HGs that make you up. You’re supposed to be fun, but time and time again you’ve proven to be the bottom of the barrel in poor representation of The United States of America. Glorified behaviors in the name of ratings, and scrapings from under the toenails of closeted racists and misogynists and homophobes. Now, most recently, children have been brought under the veil of “sexual jokes” or just “jokes” to some.

What the fuck has happened to you?

You can read the rest HERE.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!