It’s a special Eviction episode of Big Brother tonight and I will be Live Blogging the events. The Live Feeds have been down since yesterday morning so that the evicted house quest would be a surprise and they also have already done the next HoH competition (I doubt we will see this tonight). While I’m sure anyone who has been following the season has an idea on who will be heading out the door stay with us anyways. Or go watch X Factor and come back later to discuss Big Brother.
It’s an Eviction Night and Julie is in the house. She says we will find out who is leaving the house later but first we go back to the end of the Nomination ceremony. Julia says that only a Pizza Delivery boy stands in the way of the Exterminators. McCrae was so “smart” to appeal to the house by sending Elissa home. He’s a freaking genius.
GM has the fake tears going saying that she needs to pack her bags because she knows she is going home. She is still attached to McCrae and she’s totally over selling it. She says that she needs McCrae to feel safe so that he doesn’t try hard for the Veto.
Up in the HoH room Judd questions what happens if McCrae wins the veto. Spencer tells him that he will go up and GM will go home. Judd is feeling insecure since he feels like he is at the bottom of the totem poll since Spencer is not even considering putting Andy up.
We get some more footage of the “gifts” where Judd has to finish by doing 75 sit ups and after footage of McCrae having to sit in the bathroom with GM on the toilet and McCrae showering they are finally freed by each other. Spencer and Andy take McCrae up to the HoH room and continue lying through their teeth trying to make him feel safe. Spencer says that it also serves the purpose gaining favor with McCrae for next week (Since they don’t know that someone else is heading to the Jury on Tuesday and Thursday) incase he sticks around and wins HoH. McCrae smartly says he still feels nervous which hopefully means he will be trying to win the Veto.
It’s time for the Veto and it will be hosted by last year’s winner Ian Terry. It is a Super Hero competition. It is a magnet puzzle. They will hit a button to get 20 seconds to work on the puzzle and must swing back to reset it or they puzzle falls and they start again. After the puzzle falls they will have ten seconds to go hit the button again or they are out of the competition.
Spencer is doing well but he runs out of time and needs to start over. Judd thinks all the pieces look the same so he plans on just copying every one else. McCrae is doing great but has a few spots wrong and as he flies to reset the clock he misses the button and loses it.
Judd eventually gets so frustrated that he just gives up and sets to tell Andy when his time is running out of time. This pisses Spencer off since Judd was helping Andy and not him and he feels he would be winning if Judd was telling him when he was close to the time.
It is down to McCrae and Andy and McCrae seems to know what he did wrong and makes corrections. Andy knows that the Exterminators are counting on him to win it but it is all for naught when McCrae pulls off the victory. He gets the Veto from Ian and this really pleases him since he is a big fan.
Julie says that after the break we will get the Veto ceremony and someone will be placed on the block since McCrae is not dumb enough to not use the Veto. Since McCrae is coming off the block the Exterminators must now turn on each other. In the HoH room Spencer says that he would rather GM stay. Spencer is pissed that Judd gave up the Veto after like 5 minutes and he had a second chance in the house. GM says she is not sure who McCrae would vote for but Spencer will safe her.
Spencer then tells Judd basically the same thing and says that Andy is not being nominated. This sets Judd off and he starts throwing things off the counters and giving the camera the finger. Andy says that if Judd doesn’t calm down he may need to be the first Exterminator exterminated (like Andy doesn’t already know Judd is going home).
McCrae stares at the Memory Board like he is actually considering what he will do and then pulls himself off the block. Spencer then nominates Judd as the replacement. As McCrae is about to end the Veto meeting Judd stops him and tells McCrae that he will be going after McCrae so that Spencer and Andy will vote for him to stay since he will not go after them. I can kind of see what he was going for but it made no sense to confront McCrae with the rant.
After the break someone will be going to the Jury House and we will get the HoH competition. We are also told about America’s chance to vote for Favorite Player (We all know Elissa has it locked up since everyone else is either hated by the majority of America or did nothing to be noticed as worthy for the $25000 prize).
It’s time for the Eviction Ceremony. GM and Judd will have a chance to plead their case. GM first says hello to family and friends and then says that she always tries her best and all she can be is herself and the boys are her brothers and will always be her family. Judd says hello to friends and family as well and says that he has Andy and Spencer’s backs but is coming after McCrae. With that stupid speech it is time to vote.
Andy votes to evict Judd
McCrae votes to evict Judd
Julie tells the house guests right away as Judd is evicted with 2 votes. He whispers something to McCrae and as he walks out I think he says that he will be voting for Spencer or Andy in the end but I always have a hard time understand him when he mumbles. And of course Andy is crying again.
Judd says that he left a message in the bible for Judd. He says that he said he would vote for Spencer or Andy to use reverse psychology hoping that they target them. He thinks and hopes GM will win as she has proven herself to be a great player. He says he doesn’t think he would have said that a few weeks ago.
Julie asks him if he regrets not siding with Elissa and he says he doesn’t because Elissa changes her mind every 5 seconds. One minute you are in an alliance with her and the next moment she wants you out. In the Goodbye messages McCrae smartly throws Spencer and Andy under the bus by saying that they stopped McCrae from keeping Judd in the game and he needed to work with them. Andy is crying about Judd being his best friend and Judd says what all of America thinks – That Andy cries too much. I’ll miss Judd most of all.
It’s time for the HoH competition. The winner will be in the final three and will get to compete in the last head of house. It is the Before or After challenge where they have to guess it an event happened before or after another one. Person with most points after 7 questions wins. I was eating ice cream so didn’t right down the questions but after 7 questions we need a tiebreaker. They have to answer “How long in seconds the was Super Veto competition from start to finish?” McCrae and GM overshoot the answer in the 800 seconds and Andy totally undershoots it but wins the HoH anyways.
Tomorrow will be a Live Eviction episode (I believe MJ will be Live Blogging). I will be here on Sunday when we will see the final three part HoH competition and next Wednesday the finale of Big Brother will be on when the Winner will be revealed. There will also be the Premiere of Survivor which is what I am really looking forward to. See you folks on Sunday!