Welcome back to the world of Big Brother. Tonight we will see the Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony. Who will win the veto and will it be used to save McCrae or Amanda.
I will be back later with my recap and as always feel free to discuss below.
After the regular quick recap we jump right into the action after the nomination ceremony. Amanda is crying in the DR and she is completely blindsided for the first time. McCrae days that everything was going so well and he doesn’t understand went wrong.
Elissa says she is super excited that one of McCranda is going home. Further proof to my idea that production motivated her to change her game plan.
Amanda is in the bed room and she went from sad to crazy in 10 seconds. She tells McCrae that she knows that everyone is with GM or she would have went after Elissa. She confronts Spencer and Andy who play dumb since that is the best for their games. Especially who needs to make McCranda think he didn’t flip on them so that he is still protected from them since at least one of them will be staying. Amanda asks them to come with her to confront GM and both hesitate slightly but play it off nicely so Amanda heads up alone.
In the HoH room Amanda instant calls back to the Nick eviction saying that it makes no sense to not target Elissa. GM counters with the fact that they took everything from Aaryn and then ditched her. Amanda volleys back with the fact that Elissa was the one who nominated Aaryn and GM drops the bombshell that Elissa actually changed her mind and wanted to blindside Amanda which temporary shuts up Amanda.
Downstairs Judd goes to Andy and Spencer saying that Amanda is upstairs yelling so Judd talks Andy and Spencer into coming upstairs to help GM. And Spencer apparently chickens out and stays down stairs. GM waves them off but Amanda tells them to come on in since she runs the house.
Amanda says that GM is stupid for letting Elissa make the decision for her but GM says that she made her own decision and the nominations are a good game move. Amanda disagrees because how dare someone want her gone. Amanda yells that GM ruined her own game because if anyone but Elissa or GM win the Veto they will remove one of them and the replacement nominee will go home. This gets Judd going as he says that the way Amanda sees it she controls the game and everyone else needs to pack up and just go home.
Judd goes on the offensive since he thinks that Amanda is saying that she will be going home. It turns into a shouting match back and forth and Amanda completely breaks down and says she no longer wants to be in the house with any of these people.
All this in 10 minutes of air time. These people are crazy tonight.
In the Have Not room Amanda is with McCrae. She is upset and doesn’t want to play the game anymore. She is like that Monopoly who gets mad and tosses the board when they land on Broadwalk with a Hotel on it. She thinks GM is insane for targeting them over Elissa. She tells McCrae to no longer trust Spencer or Judd. Amazingly Andy seems to get out of it for now with no damage to his game.
McCrae says he will miss playing with Amanda and she is happy that they are the couple that made it the furthest. They proclaim their love for each other and say they will miss each other. I still say there is no way this relationship lasts outside in the real world but I also thought Brandon and Rachel would be doomed outside the house so I know nothing.
Back from commercial Amanda approaches Andy and tells him she no longer wants to be here. Apparently it sucks to be lied to by someone else when you are on the losing end of the game. While they talk Elissa is at the door listening and she is caught by Spencer in a chicken suit to hilarious music.
There is an awkward moment while Spencer figures out what is going on and then lets Amanda and Andy now. He says he doesn’t want Elissa to think that he is working with Andy and Spencer and then tells on her which doesn’t exactly help his case.
Amanda is pissed that Elissa would listen to a conversation someone is having and vows that she will make sure Elissa is the replacement nominee and is sent packing because once again she owns this house.
And it’s time for the Veto Competition. GM picks Elissa, Amanda gets HGs choice and picks Spencer which pleases Andy since he doesn’t want to win the veto. He is instantly crushed when McCrae pulls out his name which instantly puts a smile on Amanda’s face and makes Elissa doubt Andy.
Amanda says she didn’t want to force Andy to pick between McCrae and herself if he won Veto so that is why she didn’t pick Andy as the HG pick.
Down in the bathroom Elissa is with Judd questioning Andy’s loyalties. Judd spills the beans to Andy that Elissa thinks he is playing both sides. While he says that he is working both sides to control McCranda he doesn’t want Elissa to challenge him.
GM tells Andy and Spencer that the Exterminators are better than The Moving Company. I swear Nick is shown more than any HG eliminated early in the game ever. The come up with a taunt pumping and spraying it to get rid of the rats and the snakes.
It’s time for the Veto competition and everyone is in tutus. Judd looks like Ace Ventura as he is the hose. It is competition style. You have to spin for 15 seconds and then throw a bowling call to knock down pins. First to knock down all the pins moves on.
In round 1 Amanda chooses to face Elissa. Amanda pulls out the win and moves on. In round 2 Andy chooses to take on Amanda. He says he wants to pretend to throw it to her, pleases his alliance that he is targeting her, and could potential gain some trust with Elissa for targeting Amanda. His plan to throw it worjs as Amanda uses her strategy of throwing balls like crazy until all the balls are down.
In round 3 GM goes after Amanda as well. McCrae thinks this strategy is cruel but that is the way the cookie crumbles. Apparently GM is a dancer so is spins quickly and plans to get her bearings quick and throw the balls easily. She actually spins quickly but can’t throw a ball so Amanda moves on.
McCrae gets next pick and gives Amanda a break and takes on Spencer. Let me just say that Spencer spinning in a tutu may be the funniest thing we see all season. This is followed by Spencer not rolling but chucking the balls down the aisle. Obviously Spencer loses and it comes down to McCrae vs Amanda which he compares to taking Old Yeller out back to put down. Thanks for the horrible memories McCrae.
The way McCrae is throwing the balls almost seems like he is throwing the competition but he gets two down (part of me thinks the second one was an accident. Amanda knocks down two and McCrae gets one to tie at three. The edit it to make it look like McCrae barely beat Amanda for the Veto. McCrae falls to the ground and starts almost throwing up as Amanda falls to the ground in heaves and tears.
McCrae is upset that he is lasting longer then Amanda because she is a greater player then him. He is sad that he will no longer have his greatest ally and his lover. We get some funeral music and it’s almost like Amanda will be lead to her death the way this is edited.
Amanda is crying and she admits defeat but says she is glad McCrae won it. Judd throws out Elissa as a nomination but GM says no because Elissa kept her safe the week before and it is the honorable thing to do. I’m actually a little impressed that GM went with honor but she seems confident in her alliance.
McCrae says he is actually thinking of using it on Amanda but Amanda didn’t pressure him to. Amanda says that going home at the hand of GM is insulting since she thinks GM doesn’t have a brain and should be in the game. It’s a stupid move because it goes against McCranda. Judd is nervous at being a pawn. What they didn’t show was that Spencer volunteered himself as the pawn to make life easier.
Amanda says that she kicked the ass of everyone who challenged her and if there was anyone she would want to lose by one pin and one second to it would be McCrae. She does not want or expect him to use the veto on her.
McCrae apologizes and used the Veto on himself. GM now has to name the replacement and she tosses up Spencer since he is a great competitor and does a great chicken dance.
McCrae thinks he let Amanda down since he didn’t use the Veto on her. Amanda says that she thinks the attack is personal and that GM is jealous of the McCranda relationship. It has nothing to do with them being a power couple and the last real couple left in the house.
Also Spencer is now the record holder for most times being nominated in a single season at 7 times. It’s kind of crazy to be a pawn that many times and not be sent packing. At least he will have something to brag about after the season.
Tomorrow MJ will be Live Blogging a big episode as it is a Double Eviction episode so we will get a week’s worth of action in a single episode. Which means my recap on Sunday will basically be everything that happens during the commercial breaks from tomorrow night as well as the HoH competition and Nomination Ceremony.
Enjoy the drama tomorrow night folks!