Yesterday, Aaryn won her fourth HoH competition of the season. That ties her for the most HoH wins in a single season with Rachel (Winner of BB13/Elissa’s sister), Drew (Winner of BB5), Ian (Winner of BB14), and Janelle (3rd place, BB6/BB7). This has gone to her head already. Last night, she went off on rant about how she’s breaking records. It’s kind of annoying when such a morally…lacking? player does so well, but you need to give credit where it is due, I suppose.
In any case, Aaryn is a part of the 3AM alliance, along with Amanda, Andy, and McCrae. That being the case, it can probably be expected that the nominations this week will follow along with what 3AM wants to do. Right now, it’s looking like they have their crosshairs on Helen.
3AM has been telling Elissa and Helen that the plan is to backdoor Spencer this week. They’re both aware that they’re going on the block, but they believe 3AM when they say they are both safe this week. HOWEVER, the plan as of now appears to be as follows: Helen/Elissa will be nominated for eviction by Aaryn. If Helen wins the Veto, Spencer will be nominated as a replacement, but Elissa will go home. If ANYONE ELSE wins the Veto, Helen will be evicted this week. So little does she know, it’s do or die for Helen in this week’s Veto.
That being said, she is still COMPLETELY entranced by the fake alliance formed with McCrae and Andy, and she has been throwing Elissa under the bus all week (despite Elissa being the only player loyal to Helen).
Another thing worth noting is that Aaryn and Andy have formed a Final 2 alliance.
Additionally, the Have-Nots this week are Amanda, Elissa, Helen, and GinaMarie. They have received head cheese and habañeros as their additional food for the week. Good luck with that, ladies.
As expected, Aaryn has nominated Elissa and Helen for eviction.
What do you think will happen this week? Tomorrow’s Veto competition will be a big factor. Check back for that!