Realizing that her first apology didn’t cut it, beleaguered donut licker, Ariana Grande, took to Youtube to apologize once more to her “babes.”
Repeatedly reminding viewers that she’s swollen from dental surgery, she never explicitly addresses the donut licking. C’MON ARIANA WE WANT AN APOLOGY FOR THE DAMB DONUT LICKING.
Instead, the 22 year old singer expressed regret over the “whole donut fiasco and craziness because I feel like the apology that I posted, I kind of missed my opportunity to actually sincerely apologize and express how I was feeling because I was too busy preaching about my issues with the food industry, which is not, I feel like, relative [sic]. I feel like I could have expressed myself in a different way.”
I think she means “relevant?” In which case, yes. She definitely could express herself in a different way. She continued: “Now is my chance before the whole thing blows over to say sorry and that actually I’ve never been prouder to be an American, to be honest with you. Advances that we’ve made in the past couple months and all the wonderful, progressive things that have been going on, I’ve never been prouder of this country, actually.”
“Seeing a video of yourself behaving poorly, that you have no idea was taken, is such a rude awakening,” she said. “It’s like you don’t know what to do. I was so disgusted with myself. I shoved my face in a pillow and wanted to disappear.”
The singer vows to take responsibility for her actions. Again, she’s being super vague here. Other than the reference to loving America, she never explicit says exactly what it is she’s apologizing for.
And of course, she insists, “It wasn’t me at all.” So, who was it, Ariana. Your donut licking evil twin?
“I reacted in a way that wasn’t necessary, to say the least, but also just wasn’t me at all. I apologize for my poor choice of words and for my behavior,” she said. “Seeing how ugly it looks when you behave a certain way makes you want to never behave that way again.”
…on camera, she forgot to add.
Check out Ariana Grande’s 4 minute apology right here.
UPDATE: According to The Wrap, business at Wolfee Donuts in Lake Elsinore, Ca has TRIPLED since the shop leaked the video. The owner, Joe Marin is still mad, though. “She forgot that America buys your tickets, that’s why you’re famous.” He said. “She licked the ones with the frosting; she was spitting on the white powder.” Yuck.