Survivor Season 46 Week 9 Recap
A new episode of Survivor 46 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.
The tribe returns to camp after tribal council. They react to Q’s action at the previous tribal council. He asked to be voted out, which confused everybody and made tribal council chaotic. They feel like Q blew people’s games up and he created chaos for no reason. In his confessional, Q said he tried to switch the vote last second, but he thinks he made a mistake. He wanted to fall on his own sword.
Tiffany and Q talk by the beach. Q explains he turned on Tiffany after she brought up Maria’s name even though they were in an alliance with Maria. Tiffany tells Q that Charlie told her that Q told him about Tiffany’s hidden immunity idol. Tiffany is annoyed that she needs to play her idol next time. The longer she holds onto the idol, the bigger the target she becomes. Tiffany is very frustrated and doesn’t want to work with Q anymore. In his confessional, Q says he needs to work harder than ever before to regain control of the game. Meanwhile, Liz feels like her move to get Tevin out of the game has been overshadowed by Q. She’s upset that Q stole her thunder.
The next morning, everyone is still mad at Q. Ben said Q destroyed his own game and tried to pretend he was taking a moral high ground. Everyone agrees Q won’t get any votes if he makes it to the end of the game. Meanwhile, Venus says no one trusts Q, and she points out that Hunter was on the wrong side of the vote. Venus tells Hunter she will return the favor and vote for him.
Who to vote out?
Hunter feels like Q “scrambled up” his game. The only people he trusted were Tevin, Q, and Liz. Tevin is gone, and he doesn’t feel like he can trust Q or Liz anymore. Hunter still has a hidden immunity idol that no one else knows about. Later, the tribe gets tree mail and learn they must divide themselves into three teams for the next challenge. Ben, Kenzie, and Tiffany form a team. Hunter, Maria, and Charlie form a team. Q, Venus, and Liz end up being the leftover team.
Q knows his former allies Tiffany, Kenzie, and Hunter have no interest working with him anymore. Q feels like he doesn’t owe them anything, so he talks to Charlie. Q suggests Charlie and Maria should throw the challenge so Hunter cannot win immunity. If Hunter doesn’t win immunity, then they can vote him out of the game. Charlie pretends to be agreeable, but he says in his confessional that he doesn’t want to throw challenges. Maria and Charlie talk later. Maria and Charlie agree they are open to working with Hunter. Maria adds there are bigger fish to fry than Hunter or Q. Maria wants to vote out Tiffany. Tiffany still has a hidden immunity idol, and she has been throwing out Maria’s name as a target too.
Immunity challenge
It’s time for the immunity challenge. This challenge will have three stages. The first stage requires them to go across a balance beam while carrying a buoy with sticks. After all three team members get across, they must dig up rope rungs from the sand. The first two teams to complete the stage will advance to the second stage. The second stage requires them to use the rope rungs to build a bridge to go across. Afterwards, each team member must toss a ball onto a ring. The team that lands their three balls first will advance to the final stage. The final stage requires the last three competitors to balance on a narrow perch with their hands holding onto a handle behind their head. The last one remaining will win immunity.
The challenge begins. Maria gets an early lead for her group. Kenzie’s struggle with the balance beam puts her group behind. Maria, Charlie, and Hunter advance to the second stage. Venus, Liz, and Q advance to the second stage. As a result, Kenzie, Ben, and Tiffany are out of the challenge. The second stage is pretty even with everyone building their rope bridges. They all get to tossing their balls. Hunter lands a ball first. Q lands a ball next. Charlie is the next to land a ball. Venus is tossing her ball, but she keeps missing. Maria lands a ball next. Hunter, Charlie, and Maria will compete in the final stage. Maria is the first to drop, leaving it a showdown between Charlie and Hunter. After ten minutes, Hunter drops. Charlie wins immunity!
Perfect time for a blindside
Venus says the immunity challenge worked out perfectly since it gives them options. They can vote out Q, Hunter, or blindside someone else. Liz jokingly asks if anyone wants to volunteer to go home, but Q remarks “Hell, no.” Later, the game conversations begin. Tiffany says she will vote for Q and she won’t change her mind. Q wants to cause more chaos tomorrow is he stays in the game. Q tries to make Kenzie distrust Tiffany by telling her that Tiffany was in the a six-person alliance without her. Kenzie tells Q she has no respect for his game and she has no interest working with him. Kenzie shares the details of her conversation with Q to Tiffany later.
Kenzie says tonight is the perfect time for a blindside since everyone is distracted by Q being on the outs and Hunter not being immune. Kenzie suggests blindsiding Tiffany. She pitches this to Hunter, Charlie, and Maria. Kenzie believes she can pull in Ben for this plan too. Kenzie explains in her confessional that even though Tiffany is her #1 ally, she knew sooner or later one of them would have to go first. Kenzie is ready to separate from Tiffany. Hunter thought he was “dead in the water.” He wants to save his hidden immunity idol for later, but he might still need to play it tonight.
Is Hunter bluffing?
Maria wants Tiffany to be voted out, but she’s bothered how this will be Kenzie’s move instead of hers. Later, Charlie talks to Tiffany to get a read on her. Tiffany tells Charlie she doesn’t want her idol anymore. She wants to play it tonight to get rid of it. In her confessional, Tiffany says the only reason she doesn’t want to play her idol tonight is that the idol will be replanted into the game, and she doesn’t want Q or Hunter finding it. In his confessional, Charlie says the plan now has to change since Tiffany might be playing her idol tonight.
Ben talks to Maria and Charlie about Kenzie’s plan. Maria says that plan is shelved since Tiffany might be playing her idol. Ben says they should vote for Hunter tonight. While they’re talking, Hunter sees them. Ben later talks to Kenzie about voting for Hunter. Kenzie thinks voting for Hunter would be the boring move, but she’ll vote for Hunter if everyone else is voting for him.
Hunter gets nervous. He cannot get a read on the others, so he has decided to play his hidden immunity idol tonight. Right before tribal council, Hunter tells Q that he has an idol and asks if he’ll vote for Ben tonight. Hunter still needs more numbers, so he approaches Venus and Liz. He tells them he has an idol, and he asks if they’ll vote for Ben tonight. Liz refuses, and Venus and Liz tell everyone else that Hunter has an idol. They change the target back to Q. Tiffany thinks Hunter is bluffing, but she has an idol too and will play it if she needs to.
Tribal council
It’s time for tribal council. Jeff says last tribal council was so entertaining that this time he has brought a cushion and some popcorn. He passes the popcorn around to everyone else. He then asks about last tribal council and what happened when they got back to camp. Charlie said everybody wanted to know why that happened. Tiffany said Q sunk her game, and the two of them exchanged heated words back at camp. Q says he’s happy since he’s over the situation. Q says Tiffany sunk her game by throwing out names. Q and Tiffany continue to argue about what happened. Ben says Q thinks he’s running the show.
Meanwhile, Hunter keeps whispering to Kenzie and asking for reassurance about the plan for tonight. Kenzie whispers to Hunter that everybody is voting for Q. Jeff asks Hunter to weigh in, and Hunter says he’s still trying to figure out what’s going on. Maria says Q might rub people the wrong way, but his antics could help him too. Venus whispers to Hunter that it’s going to be Q tonight. Tiffany and Charlie also reassure Hunter that Q will be voted out tonight. Kenzie says a lot of them are annoyed by Q. Hunter is still nervous, but everyone keeps telling him it’s obviously going to be Q tonight. Finally, it’s time to vote.
Jeff reads the votes
Before Jeff reads the votes, no one plays a hidden immunity idol.
The first vote is for…
It’s a tied vote. Everyone must re-vote except Q and Hunter.
Jeff reads the votes again. The first vote is for…
Hunter is the third person voted out and the third member of the jury.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.