TV Line is reporting that next week’s American Idol 13 Top 4 theme is Love: Break-ups and Make-ups.
Isn’t that pretty much every single song ever penned and/or recorded? It’s basically another way to say sing whatever the hell you want. Or whatever the hell we feel like putting on a short list.
It’s a pointless theme as far as music is concerned, but it does give the producers a hook to build the show around. Maybe the Idol stage will be festooned with little red hearts. They can have a belated Valentines Day celebration. Maybe the finalists’s video packages will feature a discussion of the absolute worst breakup they ever had. Bonus points if crying is involved.
Alex Preston should fly out gal pal, Top 30 contestant, Jillian Jensen, so the Idol camera can break away to her giving Alex heart eyes as he sings.
What do you think of next week’s theme>