I posted some auditions from American Idol Rewind a few weeks back. And now, I’ve got more videos cut from the past two weeks of Rewind. They’ve finished up the auditions–this weekend’s episode will feature highlights from the Top 12.
Last week’s Hawaii episode completely left out any mention of Jon Peter Lewis (8), who auditioned there. I have a feeling it’s because American Idol has been unable to clear the rights to the song “Crazy Love” from Van Morrison. From what I understand, his audition has only been aired once in the United States. Well, that just won’t do–I’ve got a copy of it, and I’m going to post it right here along with the other videos.
It’s fun to look back on these audtions. George Huff made it to Hollywood, but was initially cut in the rooms. He was brought back after another contestant, Donnie Williams was cut for speeding and drunk driving. Diana DeGarmo has grown up a lot since she auditioned at the age of 16. Camile Velasco’s audition was very good, despite sucking large once she hit the competition. And what is there to say about William Hung? His sincerity won everyone over, despite suffering from delusions and a tin ear.
Check out the auditions from Matthew Rogers – LA (11), Camille Velasco – Hawaii – (9), George Huff – Houston – (5) LaToya London – San Francisco – (4), Diana DeGarmo – Hawaii – (2) and William Hung – Hawaii who was cut by the judges. Each Idol filmed new interviews to accompany their audition footage.
Videos after the JUMP…
Jon Peter Lewis – Hawaii
Matt Rogers – Los Angeles
Camile Velasco – Hawaii
George Huff – Houston
LaToya London – San Francisco
Diana DeGarmo – Hawaii
William Hung – San Francisco