American Idol Extra Top 11 – Amanda Overmyer – Chris Richardson

AI Extra host JD Roberto talks to Amanda Overmyer  minutes after she’s eliminated.   She says that she has nothing to bitch about.   She’s not the typical Idol contestant, and to have gotten as far as she did is a big deal.   She says she feels blessed to get as far as she did.

JD interviewed Chris Richardson from Season 6.     Chris did some recording in Miami.   He’s working on album and hopes to release it by the end of Summer 08, or at least by the end of 08.

There’s a vid of the Idols on the set of this week’s video. Michael Johns, Jason Castro and David Cook are roommates. So are Brooke White, Syesha Mercado, Kristy Lee Cook and Ramiele Malubay. Chickezie rooms with David Archuleta. Amanda Overmyer roomed with Carly Smithson.

Amanda is interviewed by JD Roberto:

  • She says she’s not disappointed
  • She doesn’t think she’s American Idol material
  • She’s happy she stuck to her guns performance-wise. Her goals were to get her face on TV and get her sound out there. She wanted to come out every single time and show viewers who she is musically.
  • She would have not sung a ballad next week, or ever. She felt that it’s important to stick to what your good at and where your strengths lie. You can’t be all things to all people.
  • She never thought she would win. She would have been happy coming in 8th.
  • American Idol is the only way she would have pursued music.
  • After Chris Daughtry’s success, she decided to give Idol a go.
  • She felt more comfortable performing to the crowds than performing to the cameras.

After the Jump: Part 1 and Part 2 of Amanda Overmyer’s exit interview.   Chris Richardson performs “All Alone”.

Amanda Overmyer Pt 1

Amanda Overmyer Pt 2

Chris Richardson performing “All Alone” – Nice job Chris!

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!