American Idol 12 Las Vegas Girls Pt 2 Roundup – Poll Results and More

AMERICAN IDOL: Zoanette Johnson in the Sudden Death Round of AMERICAN IDOL airing Wednesday, Feb. 27 (8:00-10:00PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Michael Becker / FOX. Copyright / FOX.

Whoa. The Lion King STOLE THE DAMN SHOW LAST NIGHT. Zoanette Johnson got the pimp spot and wailed her own very special version of “The Circle of Life” from The Lion King, be-wigged with a giant blond lion’s main and dressed in leopard print.  She definitely got the “lions share” (sorry!) of attention from pundits and fans alike!

Click for FULL poll results
Click for American Idol Recap and Videos

But she didn’t come first in our poll.  That honor would go to fan favorite, Candice Glover who captured  26.82% of the vote with a soulful version of that old chestnut, “Natural Woman”.

Candice Glover – Sudden Death – American Idol 12 by IdolxMuzic

Zoanette, however, was a fairly close second, with 17.88% of the vote.  But you guys are split on Zoanette 48.47% of you were all HELL TO THE NO in our Zoanette yay or neigh poll.  47.58% were totally YAY ZOANETTE.  Only 3.95% were indifferent to the singer. The fact that she can engender such strong feelings is why the producers her a pimping her through to the finals.

Zoanette Johnson – Sudden Death – American Idol 12 by IdolxMuzic

In third place? A contestant who didn’t even advance. It’s poor, scorned Jett Hermano with 13.21% of the vote. If there is a wild card, she’s got a great chance at making the cut, I think.

Jett Hermano – Sudden Death – American Idol 12 by IdolxMuzic

Jett ran neck in neck with Rachel Hale for most robbed of the eliminated contestants.

Rachel Hale – Sudden Death – American Idol 12 by IdolxMuzic

Your favorite judge this week? Keith Urban, with 42.93% of the vote. Mariah Carey is behind him with 36.43%, followed by Nicki Minaj at 18.66% and once again, Randy Jackson is last with only 1.98% of the vote. His rally from last week was short lived!

American has lots of stuff for you from last night’s show.

Click to meet the new finalists!
Click to watch farewell interviews from the bootees

Offical Recap from Last Night’s Show

About mj santilli 35052 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!